On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 21:03, Lenny Cartier wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 12:04:07PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:
>> I presume the contrib tree will be copied across to stable later, but
>> when? Is it worthwhile making small fixes to packages in contribs now?
>> Will new packages (just got cdbakeoven compiling, thus it just went in
>> last night) make it into 9.0 contrib?

>> Lenny?

> Contribs have been forked to make an extra cd for powerpacks. So maybe
> we can put this content under the 9.0 tree; but it's not the whole
> contribs repository, just some subjective choices...

It would be a very bright idea to at least carry across descendents of the 
stuff from Mandrake 8.2's RPMS4 directory, plus packages which were culled 
between 8.2 and 9.0 so that people upgrading have the option of continuing to 
use their existing, installed, working software.

And warn people using 8.2 that they will lose those things if they don't use 
such an extra ISO.

I'm happy to throw an RPM collection together from my existing archives but I 
have (1) nowhere suitable to host it and (2) insufficient time to modify an 
installer to take it into account (you would *have* to at least boot from it 
and invoke a modified installer that knew about the extra CD/CDs).

A general mechanism to allow `extension' or `bonus' CDs (including those not 
from Mandrake, with an appropriate warning about mileage and variation) 
during an install would be a fine addition to the installer, as would be the 
ability to present a CD full of updates up front.

Cheers; Leon

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