From: "Buchan Milne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thomas Backlund wrote:


Sorry for the duplicates, It was not intentional...
it was the mailscanner that told me it rejected it,
that made me send it again, and the scanner sends
it's own warning messages, so that resulted in atleast 3

> > Hi,
> > here is my system:
> >
> > dual PII 350, Intel BX chipset 512MB ECC SDRAM
> > dual 18GB IBM SCSI HDD:s running linux soft-raid 1
> > (even swap is on raid 1), all partitions uses ReiserFS
> > This machine runs:
> > kernel-
> > apache 1.3.26-6mdk
> > postfix-1.1.11-4mdk
> > courier-imap-1.5.3-1mdk
> >
> > Rav antivirus mailscanner:
> > ravmd 8.4.0-7
> > ravcore 8.9.0-6
> > ravpostfix 8.4.0-4
> >
> > and here is my problem:
> >
> > Output from 'top'
> > ---
> >   2:32pm  up 2 days, 15:20,  1 user,  load average: 0,00, 0,00, 0,00
> > 75 processes: 74 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> > CPU states:  0,4% user,  0,6% system,  0,8% nice,  9,6% idle
> > CPU0 states:  0,0% user,  0,0% system,  0,0% nice,  0,106% idle
> > CPU1 states:  0,1% user,  0,5% system,  0,0% nice,  0,100% idle
> > Mem:   515952K av,  508016K used,    7936K free,       0K shrd,   99108K
> > buff
> > Swap:  256888K av,  256700K used,     188K free                   49000K
> > cached
> > ---
> >
> > So, what is eating my processor power, and my memory?
> >
> Nothing is eating your CPU at this stage, only your memory (note the CPU
> states both <1%, which means no user space apps are eating CPU, but
> since they are only 01& idle, it must be the kernel keeping them busy,
> probably spending all it's time swapping.

Well, the thing that got my attention was exactly the point,
that CPU0: 0,0% user + 0,0% system + 0,0% nice + 0,106% idle
and  CPU1: 0,1% user + 0,5% system + 0,0% nice + 0,100% idle

It does not add up, and if it's the kernel that is busy working,
it should show up in 'xx% system', atleast that was how the
smp kernels in MDK 8.2 was showing the workload....,
or is it top that is the 'faulty' one ...

> You could have saved us 81k of logs, if you had sorted your top by
> memory usage (shift-M), since you know that memory us the problem, and
> you would have seen these at the top:
> 2559 apache     9   0  243M 139M  1052 S     0,0 27,6   0:34 httpd
> 2560 apache     9   0  297M 169M     4 S     0,0 33,7   0:30 httpd
Well, for this I have no excuse, I did read the output from top,
but completly missed those lines...   :-(

> Can you please keep this off cooker unless you have confirmed that it is
> a bug, and not some misconfiguration.

> Your previous install doesn't mention apache, so do you need it? Have
> you done configuration?
> Have you checked your apache logs?
> Have you checked syslog?

It's exactly the same configuration as I had for
apache-1.3.23-4.1mdk wich was in MDK 8.2, and
yes I need the web-server.

I also run logcheck every night, but it have not
shown any suspicious lines in the logfiles...
I guess I have to read the logfiles myself line by line
to see if anything seems to be wrong...


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