On Wednesday 06 November 2002 06:47 am, Florent BERANGER wrote:
> is there a KDE tool (as samurize  for Win XP - http://www.samurize.com ),
> that displays sys infos "integrated" in background (not as gkrellm) ?

Yes, it's called `Konqueror' (-:

Along with `audiocd:/', there are a lot of not-well-promoted excellent 
features in Konqueror. One of them is kwebdesktop:

Usage: kwebdesktop [Qt-options] [KDE-options] width height file [URL]

Displays an HTML page as the background of the desktop

Generic options:
  --help        Show help about options
  --help-qt     Show Qt specific options
  --help-kde    Show KDE specific options
  --help-all    Show all options
  --author      Show author information
  -v, --version Show version information
  --license     Show license information
  --            End of options

  width         Width of the image to create
  height        Height of the image to create
  file          Filename where to dump the output in png format.
  URL           URL to open (if not specified, it is read from kwebdesktoprc).

Use it as a background program like so:

    kwebdesktop %x %y %f http://news.google.com/

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