WRT the recent flameish to-and-fro about Microsoft's fonts, why not put up a 
page on (say) MandrakeUser for each release of Mandrake that has links to 
ways to `tart up' your Mandrake desktop, and make the point that these links 
have been found useful by Mandrake Users but are _completely_ unsupported by 
Mandrake themselves. Put an icon on the default homepage that points to it. 
I'd call it something like `Free Extras' or `Tune Up'.

That way you could link to things like RPMs for Keramik (which amazes my 
Windows-wielding friends), Mozilla themes such as `Sky Pilot', 'Internet 
Explorer' (`That's _Linux_?' is a typical stunned question from an 
unbeliever) and `Orbit 3+1', Windows font downloaders and whatever else 
turned up and happened to work.

You would have the advantage of users being able to continue their involvement 
with your product in only two clicks (icon, desired enhancement), no fiddling 
around finding stuff on MandrakeUser (although I would have a prominent link 
to there as well), and the advantage of being able to instantly remove links 
to troublesome items (say M$ rumbled at you about the fonts) at one place.

The page could also grow pretty painlessly - even for obselete products like 
Bluebird - as new items are found.

Cheers; Leon

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