
Today I tried configuring a wireless network card on my cooker system. I
followed some advices to modify /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts (which comes
from pcmcia-cs-3.2.0-3mdk) - and wondered why non of my changes where

After about half an hour reading scripts and stuff, I figured that
/etc/pcmcia/wireless wasn't used at all when I put in my card!

Instead /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-wireless is used which does
about the same stuff /etc/pcmcia/wireless does - but uses different
config files.

Therefore to avoid confusion: please remove /etc/pcmcia/wireless and
/etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts from pcmcia-cs or merge all this stuff at one
place... Thanks.

  Michael Reinsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://mr.uue.org

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