From: "Buchan Milne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 25 Dec 2002, Robert Fox wrote:
> > I found this on /. and thought this would be cool to package for 9.1
> >
> >
> >
> > Looks interesting - at least as an alternative WM.
> >
> I don't think it's feasible, for technical reasons ...
> I've got the source somewhere, but AFAIK it is built with Kylix (in
> Delphi, not C/C++), so first we need a pascal compiler that can compile it

Whats wrong with building it with Kylix 3 Open Edition??

> (don't think freepascal is up to it, but I may be wrong), then we need the
> kylixlibs (, and that's assuming
> that the authors of xpde have only used components available in the Open
> Edition (which is not likely, since AFAIK they are using Enterprise

This could be a problem ...IF they have used those components...

> Edition). Plus the freeclx project at sourceforge is quite old ...
FreeCLX in included in Open Edition ...

> In short, I don't think there is any way an xpde is going to get into any
> open-source project (even PLF).
> Of course, anyone is free to prove me wrong and package it ;-).

So, to summarize:

The Borland Kylix pages states:
---------- cut ----------
Borland® KylixT 3 Open Edition delivers an integrated ANSI/ISO C++ and
DelphiT language solution for building powerful open-source applications for
Linux,® licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Use visual design tools and the power of component-based development with
FreeCLXT component framework to rapidly build high-performance applications.
---------- cut ----------
So we have:
GPL Licence: OK
The only problem AFAIK is the possible use of Enterprise Components...

I think I will try to build this on my system, since I have both the
Open Edition and the Enterprise Edition to see if it can be done...

It can take some time before you see the results, since I'm finishing up
the Finnish i18n  '.po' translations ...
(shoud be at 100% by tomorrow (today?) ... only 16 "entries" to go...
I just have to get some sleep for now...

then I have to try to Install both MDK 9.0 and current cooker on my
brand new nforce2 based system ... ;-)


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