I spent this morning reinstalling my server that runs as:
firewall/cooker-mirror. It was rsynced from sunsite.uio.no
as of 0100 EET this morning.

1. used 'gendistrib --distrib ...' on the mirror to prepare for install

2. created boot floppy from hd.img

3. booted, selected textmode, and Finnish as Install language:
    - [BUG 1] the text (extended characters?) in finnish does not
                    show up right, for example 'ä' shows up as 'Ã' followed
                    a question mark in a filled box. (this does not happend
                    when doing a graphical install)

4. when asked to choose partitions, choosing 'custom disk partitioning':
    - [BUG 2] it fails, ddebug.log states 'warning: Can't call method
                    on unblessed reference at
                    line 1126.' and returns to 'choose partitions'
    - Chosing 'use existing...' gets the install to continue as it

5. after choosing partitions 'md0 to md5' (/boot, SWAP, /, /usr, /var,
    - [BUG 3] the installer tells me 'formatting /dev/md2' (wich is a 180MB
sized / )
                    this takes wer long, so I switch to <Alt-F3> to see if
it checks for
                    'bad blocks', but it is actually  running a filesystem
check 'on /dev/hdc1'
                    wich is a 60GB partition containing the cooker mirror
    - after that the system formatted my selected partitions with almost no
delay in
        the install process...

6. Network install from the 'summary window':
    - [BUG 4] I selected ADSL, PPPoE, and was presented with a window
                    for Provider Name, Primary and secondary DNS, and
                    BUT NO USERNAME...

7. Back to the Summary Window:
    - [BUG 5] There in no way to get past that window...
                     ( shouldn't there be a 'done' choice at the bottom of
that list )
    - Only way to continue is to do a reboot C-A-D works, but leaves
        filesystems in 'dirty' state...

8. When the system boots the first time:
    - bug above leaves the system in a 'mess', but that I wont mention now
    - [BUG 6] the same text problems shows up as in point 3, until the
                    get to this point:
                    - 'Mounting local filesystems...' still has the
                    - the next line 'Checking ...' has not...
    - If the system is installed with graphical install, bug 6 does not
    - so, is this some sort of 'initrd bug', transferring the installer
text settings
        errors to the booting system... (this also happends with MDK 9.0)

9. a side note: could the rawritewin.exe on the install cd be updated from
    the used version 0.3 to version 0.7 that is found at:
    it works better on my WinXP...


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