What follows happened on a fresh cooker installation.
The short story is: /dev entries were not added when I connected a hard drive 
to the usb bus, they were not removed when I disconnected the device, new 
/dev entries were not created when I added a different drive to the usb port. 

My question is:
Should I file this as a kernel-bug or a devfs bug in bugzilla? Which one, 

The full story is:

1) I connected hard drive A to the usb port, it's an IDE in a IDE->USB 
enclosure case. Nothing happened. I.e. no desktop icons appeared, no /dev/sd* 
entries appeared.
2) I ran modprobe usb-storage, nothing happened.
3) I ran harddrake2 and lo and behold, a desktop icon appeared as well as 
/dev/sda and /dev/sda1. [ok, I admit that I keep forgetting what other 
modules I may need to modprobe ... but harddrake2 and diskdrake both manage 
to do that for me].
However, the partition type of /dev/sda1 was misdetected as vfat instead of 
ext3 so I had to unmount the drive and remount with -t ext3.
4) I worked with the drive for a while, unmounted it and disconnected it from 
the usb bus.

5) >>After the drive had been removed, the desktop icon stayed put and the 
/dev/sda and /dev/sda1 entries stayed<< Of course the expected behaviour was 
for all of these to disappear.
6) I connected hard drive B to the usb port, but all that was shown in /dev 
were the old entries. I tried to launch diskdrake and it warned me that the 
drive was unreadable and suggested perhaps to reformat it !
7) >> Only when I rmmod-ed usb-storage and modprobe-d it again did the correct 
entries appear in /dev, i.e. /dev/sda, /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda5.<<  
What I expected: The correct entries to appear as soon as I connected the 
drive to the usb bus.

8) The /dev entries and the desktop icon of course remained after I 
disconnected the drive. 


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