On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 19:16, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I think bugs like this indicate the current state of ACPI is inadequate.
> > We don't really want to ship a distribution which appears, to laptop
> > users, to have no power management support. There really needs to be
> > some kind of improvement. Ideally, DrakX should somehow determine if
> > it's running on a laptop and have the appropriate ACPI modules loaded
> > during startup; then we could institute some kind of blacklist for
> > laptops on which ACPI doesn't work. But the current state of affairs is
> > not satisfactory. The documentation for ACPI is atrocious, and users
> > simply won't know to load the ac, battery etc. modules.
> at this time suspend is handle with swsusp you can try to download the
> swsusp script from http://swsusp.sourceforge.net/ and use it, it will
> be done by the release (i hope).

That's not what I'm talking about, I just mean basic stuff like battery
levels (which you don't get with the current ACPI implementation unless
you *manually* get the ac and battery modules loaded). Does swsuspend
apply to suspend-to-RAM? I thought it was just suspend-to-HD.

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