On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 11:52:38PM -0500, jokerman64 wrote:

> Especially since I want to test out the nvidia drivers for my geforce 4 on 
> cooooker. Hard to do without a compiler (I guess I could go and do it 
> manually by learning assembly language and such but that's a bit much for a 
> bug tester).  
> But I digress: The problem with gcc is that it needs gcc-cpp to be installed 
> but gcc-cpp isn't present on any of the cds. because of the I just get a 
> Conflicts detected dialog and the install is aborted. Damn it I really wanted 
> ut. anyone here know a quick fix?

Um, on my install of 9.1rc2, it installed just fine, so it's on there.

Try doing 'urpmi gcc-cpp'


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