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Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Friday 07 March 2003 09:02 am, Buchan Milne wrote:

> And I want my dhcp server to take the hostname I provide and update
its dhcp
> table, which it does for my 9.0 and Windows boxes.

If I manually set DHCP_HOSTNAME (this also seems to work running
drakconnect in expert mode, and setting "DHCP host name", but I am not
*totally* sure) then the hostname is supplied to my dhcp server, and my
DDNS works (now that the clocks on the DHCP server and DNS server are
not so far apart ;-)).

(See bug 2553)

>>Any chance of testing this? Do you have an NT DC, or win2k? I have been
>>struggling to get my win2k installation to play along (took me about 4
>>hours to figure out why it did not like my keyboad and mouse anymore,
>>but the win2k installation didn't have a problem with it).
> Unfortunately, I will not be in a position to test this until Monday.
 Is that
> too late?  Can anybody else do it?  It *may* be possible for me to get
an NT
> pdc set up at home over the weekend to do a test, but I cannot
guarantee it.

I will try and coax my win2k server installation into doing the right
thing, and also try joining with samba3 via kerberos (which is supposed
to work in 3.0alpha22).

> It would be a lot easier to just do a workstation install Monday
morning at
> work, if that won't be too late.

Should be ok, not much difference between saturday afternoon and Monday
morning (unless Pixel decides to work the weekend ... whose turn is it
anyway? Warly?).

But a test against an NT server would be good to hear about (since I
don't have any NT servers ... just one win2k server). Anyone else with a
setup to test is welcome to tell me if it works or not ...


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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