On Sat 08 Mar 2003 21:57, Brook Humphrey posted as excerpted below:
> doh no sorry i ment the editor built into mc

mcedit.  There is of course mcview as well, to parallel the view mode of vim.

I tried vi/vim b4 emacs, and ended up using it more than expected while 
learning how to get the rest of my system working as desired, when I switched 
from MSWormOS.  I learned enough vim to get around it, anyway, which is more 
than I can say for emacs.

However, I mcedit in console mode and kwrite in X mode are now what I find 
myself using most.

OTOH..  Back when I first discovered urpmi and did the mass upgrade from 8.1 
to 8.2 I think it was, devfs screwed up and I couldn't load most of my 
partitions, including /usr.  All I had was what was on /.  vi wouldn't load 
and I didn't know about vi-minimal.  I ended up using sed, as it worked, and 
there was a chapter covering it in the back of "The Arabian" (Linux in a 
Nutshell), for me to refer to, in constructing my commands.  That worked well 
enough for me to fix fstab to load the /dev/ide path instead of /dev/hdc#, as 
I had been doing b4, for /usr, at which point I could mount it, and get 
access to mc and mcedit again, to fix everything else.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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