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[cooker] Test, test, test
[cooker] Test
3590 Cooker ISO Live
[cooker] TC-Meeting 2020-10-21
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] TC-Meeting 2020-10-21 17:00 CEST, 15:00 UTC
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] TC-Meeting 2020-10-21
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Updated bug report list
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] Updated bug report list
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Update on most recent bug reports (2020-08-28)
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Testing
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Testing
Ben Bullard
[cooker] TC Meeting people availability
[cooker] TC Meeting 23-07-2020 - Thursday 15:00 UTC 17:00 CEST
[cooker] Create OpenMandriva image with mkosi
Tomasz Paweł Gajc
[cooker] TC-Meeting 2020-05-29 16:00 UTC
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] TC-Meeting 2020-05-29 16:00 UTC
Ben Bullard
[cooker] TC-Meeting 2020-05-08
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] TC-Meeting 2020-05-08
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] TC-Meeting 2020-05-08
Ben Bullard
[cooker] WireGuard VPN support
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Kernel modules are now compressed with Zstandard
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Kernel modules are now compressed with Zstandard
Gabriel C
Re: [cooker] Kernel modules are now compressed with Zstandard
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Kernel modules are now compressed with Zstandard
Angry Penguin
Re: [cooker] Kernel modules are now compressed with Zstandard
Gabriel C
[cooker] One place for distro specific configs, files etc.
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] One place for distro specific configs, files etc.
Gabriel C
[cooker] Re: One place for distro specific configs, files etc.
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Rolling and Rock 4.1 updated with kernel 5.5.10 and Mesa 20.0.2 [Testing]
Angry Penguin
Re: [cooker] Rolling and Rock 4.1 updated with kernel 5.5.10 and Mesa 20.0.2 [Testing]
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Rolling and Rock 4.1 updated with kernel 5.5.10 and Mesa 20.0.2 [Testing]
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] Rolling and Rock 4.1 updated with kernel 5.5.10 and Mesa 20.0.2 [Testing]
Gabriel C
Re: [cooker] Rolling and Rock 4.1 updated with kernel 5.5.10 and Mesa 20.0.2 [Testing]
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Rolling and Rock 4.1 updated with kernel 5.5.10 and Mesa 20.0.2 [Testing]
Gabriel C
[cooker] Smooth boot process
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Is there anything I can do to help get Rolling working again? ASAP
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] Is there anything I can do to help get Rolling working again? ASAP
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Is there anything I can do to help get Rolling working again? ASAP
Ben Bullard
[cooker] dbus-broker available for testing
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Re: Test
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Re: Test
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Re: Test
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] Re: Test
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Re: Test
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Welcome back to cooker mailing list
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Welcome back to cooker mailing list
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Welcome back to cooker mailing list
Ben Bullard
[cooker] TC Meeting 11-12-2019 17:00 CET 16:00 GMT
[cooker] TC Meeting 04-12-2019 17:00 CET 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Fwd: [FOSDEM standholders] Welcome to FOSDEM2020
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] Fwd: [FOSDEM standholders] Welcome to FOSDEM2020
Neal Gompa
Re: [cooker] Fwd: [FOSDEM standholders] Welcome to FOSDEM2020
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] Fwd: [FOSDEM standholders] Welcome to FOSDEM2020
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Fwd: [FOSDEM standholders] Welcome to FOSDEM2020
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] ben79 makes big mistake with Lx 4.0 packages.
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] ben79 makes big mistake with Lx 4.0 packages.
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] ben79 makes big mistake with Lx 4.0 packages.
Ben Bullard
[cooker] om-mirror-selector
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] om-mirror-selector
Re: [cooker] om-mirror-selector
Ben Bullard
[cooker] If there is a TC-Meeting today (Possible topics for AIB)
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] If there is a TC-Meeting today (Possible topics for AIB)
Angry Penguin
Re: [cooker] If there is a TC-Meeting today (Possible topics for AIB)
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Why cross-*-openmandriva-* packages are pulled it ?
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Re: Why cross-*-openmandriva-* packages are pulled it ?
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Why cross-*-openmandriva-* packages are pulled it ?
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
[cooker] Build tests fails
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] TC Meeting 06-11-2019 17:00 CET 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Tidy up kernels
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Tidy up kernels
Re: [cooker] Tidy up kernels
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Tidy up kernels
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
[cooker] Plasma 5.17 wayland Accelerated: no
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Re: Plasma 5.17 wayland Accelerated: no
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Plasma 5.17 wayland Accelerated: no
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] Plasma 5.17 wayland Accelerated: no
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBEXECDIR_KF5 is not respected
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Some configure scripts may be broken with LTO
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] bash build fails
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] bash build fails
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] bash build fails
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] TC Meeting 09-10-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
Re: [cooker] TC Meeting 09-10-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Iso-builder
Colin Close
Re: [cooker] Iso-builder
Angry Penguin
Re: [cooker] Iso-builder
Colin Close
Re: [cooker] Iso-builder
Colin Close
Re: [cooker] Iso-builder
[cooker] kernel-release-clang
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] kernel-release-clang
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] kernel-release-clang
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] kernel-release-clang
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] kernel-release-clang
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] kernel-release-clang
Gabriel C
Re: [cooker] kernel-release-clang
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] kernel-release-clang
Gabriel C
[cooker] RPM 4.15.0 released
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] RPM 4.15.0 released
Neal Gompa
[cooker] java-13-openjdk and java-12-openjdk
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] elfutils required by RPM
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] elfutils required by RPM
Neal Gompa
Re: [cooker] elfutils required by RPM
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] /lib/ No such file or directory on riscv64
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] What about mozjpeg?
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Why ICF and GC-sections are enabled ?
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Re: Why ICF and GC-sections are enabled ?
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] RPM why not use internal beecrypt ?
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] RPM why not use internal beecrypt ?
Neal Gompa
Re: [cooker] RPM why not use internal beecrypt ?
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] RPM why not use internal beecrypt ?
Neal Gompa
[cooker] Hello, just a test
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Hello, just a test
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Hello, just a test
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Hello, just a test
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Kernel compiled with LLVM/clang
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Re: Kernel compiled with LLVM/clang
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] TC Meeting 11-09-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] TC Meeting 28-08-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Update to LibreOffice 6.3
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Update to LibreOffice 6.3
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] Update to LibreOffice 6.3
Raphaël Jadot
[cooker] Use Thin LTO
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Use Thin LTO
Colin Close
Re: [cooker] Use Thin LTO
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Forum post Source code hosting tools comparison
Re: [cooker] Forum post Source code hosting tools comparison
Neal Gompa
[cooker] TC Meeting 14-08-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
Re: [cooker] TC Meeting 14-08-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
Ben Bullard
[cooker] LTO and static libraries
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] LTO and static libraries
Gabriel C
[cooker] TC Meeting 07-08-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
Re: [cooker] TC Meeting 07-08-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
Ben Bullard
[cooker] Handling of Rolling
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] Handling of Rolling
Neal Gompa
Re: [cooker] Handling of Rolling
Re: [cooker] Handling of Rolling
Ben Bullard
[cooker] TC Meeting 31-07-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Re: TC Meeting 31-07-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Re: TC Meeting 31-07-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] New kernel 5.2.4 features
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] RE: May 31 group discussion about iwd in OpenMandriva.
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] RE: May 31 group discussion about iwd in OpenMandriva.
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] RE: May 31 group discussion about iwd in OpenMandriva.
Ben Bullard
[cooker] TC Meeting 17-07-2019 - Late in the Evening CEST
[cooker] ldb - please stop updating it to 1.6.3 version
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] ldb - please stop updating it to 1.6.3 version
Chris Tanner
[cooker] TC Meeting 10-07-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Introducing mkefiboot (yes, the one from lorax, now available as a standalone tool!)
Neal Gompa
[cooker] TC Meeting 03-07-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Todays cooker updates pulls python2
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Todays cooker updates pulls python2
Neal Gompa
Re: [cooker] Todays cooker updates pulls python2
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Feature driven development
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Auto update script
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] TC Meeting 26-06-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Ideas and brainstorming for cooker
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Ideas and brainstorming for cooker
Neal Gompa
Re: [cooker] Ideas and brainstorming for cooker
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Ideas and brainstorming for cooker
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] Ideas and brainstorming for cooker
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Ideas and brainstorming for cooker
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Ideas and brainstorming for cooker
Neal Gompa
[cooker] Repos and irrors
Raphaël Jadot
[cooker] Re: Repos and irrors
Raphaël Jadot
Re: [cooker] Re: Repos and irrors
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
[cooker] OMLx Project of the Week June 24th, 2019 at SourceForge
[cooker] 4.0 x86_64 main repo is broken
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] TC Meeting 19-06-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Re: TC Meeting 19-06-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Old RPMs with omv2015 and omv3001 in 4.0 breaking Lx4
Neal Gompa
[cooker] Re-sign rpms
Tomasz Gajc
[cooker] Re: Re-sign rpms
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] Re: Re-sign rpms
[cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Angry Penguin
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate -- UI issues
Ben Bullard
[cooker] 4.0 final candidate ISO
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate ISO
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate ISO
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate ISO
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate ISO
Ben Bullard
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate ISO
Tomasz Gajc
Re: [cooker] 4.0 final candidate ISO
Ben Bullard
[cooker] TC Meeting 12-06-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] Re: TC Meeting 12-06-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT
[cooker] New repositories and policies
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Earlier messages