Oh man... That's like sacrilege. After the beans, the most important thing you 
can invest in is a burr grinder. Anything else is going to give you an uneven 
grind which will lead to under/overextracted crappy tasting coffee.
I've got a Capresso Infinity 560 grinder that you can probably score for around 
$80 to $100 bucks or less if you hunt for a deal or don't mind refurbished. 
Baratza also has grinders with their encore being considered on par or better 
with the capresso Infinity. You can of course go higher. Some grinders can run 
hundreds of bucks too.
You can also go the manual grinder rout, but honestly, the novelty wears off 
pretty fast if it's going to be your main device for grinding coffee beans. The 
Hario Skerton is thought to be a solid manual option.
My Capresso is considered to be a budget burr grinder, but for me it works. I 
just recently replaced the bean hopper and lid as they started to get cracked 
after nearly two years of daily use. The parts cost me something like $7.00 
with free shipping from Capresso. So not too bad. It's got 16 grind settings. 
What I did is have my sighted wife mark every forth grind with a sliver of dimo 
tape and do the same to the dot indicated on the bean hopper itself so I can 
line up the grind that I want. It goes from super fine (maybe if you want 
Turkish coffee) all the way to course for a french press or if you're making a 
cold concentrate. Each grind setting gives you a tactle click so it's easy to 
switch between grinds.
Whatever you do though, don't use a cheap herb chopper or blender or something 
like that. If you'll be buying or using beans, invest in a burr grinder.

-----Original Message-----
From: Suzanne Erb via Cookinginthedark [mailto:cookinginthedark@acbradio.org]
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2017 4:19 PM
To: cookinginthedark@acbradio.org
Cc: Suzanne Erb <suze...@comcast.net>
Subject: [CnD] Grinding Coffee

I just received a very wonderfully enticing bag of fresh coffee beans.  These 
days, I am using a Kurt, and don’t even have a grinder anymore.  I have been 
led to believe that it is possible too use a food processor or a blender to 
grind the beans, but I would like to know how fine, which setting, etc. should 
be used.
Thanks for your assistance, and may your 2018 be filled with lots of accessible 
websites and products.
Suzanne Erb
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