darn I wish I'd known back in 2014 you wanted to get rid  of your
Kitchenaid I'd have bought it from you, attachments or not. Some of the
attachments are expensive, but usually not nearly as expensive as the
mixer, itself.

did you not know attachments were not included before you  bought it
because to let you think that and it not be true is really dirty of that
person. did you make her give you a refund, at least?

I love my new Kitchenaid. It's far more adjustable and flexible than my
food processor, which is sometimes too powerful even on Pulse.


On 1/18/2019 3:19 PM, Marie Rudys via Cookinginthedark wrote:
Hello, All!

I used to have a Kitchenaid mixer, but, after someone

Threw out a lot of the attachments I bought for it, I decided I just

Did not want it anymore.  I just didn't want to re-buy those attachments a

Time.  They are expensive and I am on a fixed income, so I got rid

Of the mixer itself by having it hauled away in 2014

With a bunch of junk.  But, for those who have one,

Enjoy yours.  And watch that no one throws out your attachments on you.

I am tired of re-buying stuff when some do-gooder thinks I don't

Need the extra attachments anymore.


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