A few things, the rack does not have openings large enough for most pieces of 
meat to slip through.

If you have ever broiled meat in the broiler in the oven, it's the same 
principle.  You have to figure total cooking time is the total amount of time 
divided in half cooking the food on one side and turning it half way through 
the cooking time.  When using a charcoal grill, I was told in ADL classes in 
college in preparation to be a vocational rehabilitation therapist, there is a 
pitcher that you can place the charcoal in and start the fire and after so many 
minutes, you empty the coals into the grill (the webber type) and it helps to 
get them distributed in the proper place.  The internal meat temperatue is the 
same for grilled food as it is for other methods of preparation.

Marcie Brink-Chaney CVRT CATIS
Visually Impaired Services
University Health Center
Detroit Receiving Hospital
Detroit Medical Center
Address:  4201 St. Antoine
Detroit MI 48201
Phone:  (313)745-4131
Email:  mbrin...@dmc.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Teresa Mullen via Cookinginthedark [mailto:cookinginthedark@acbradio.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:20 PM
To: cookinginthedark@acbradio.org
Cc: Teresa Mullen
Subject: Re: [CnD] barbiecuing?


I got another question, when cooking hamburgers how do you keep them from 
slipping through the grilling rack! LOL, do you use foil paper to keep them on 
there or is there another method to this madness LOL

Teresa Sanchez sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 15, 2019, at 7:30 AM, Gerry Leary via Cookinginthedark 
> <cookinginthedark@acbradio.org> wrote:
> Oh my goodness, many of us are totally blind on this list and we barbecue all 
> the time. At least I do myself, now a couple of things that may help, is to 
> start with a grill that isn’t a really hot one. Such as some of the small 
> Weber grills. And then the next thing is get a friend to work with you a 
> little bit but get yourself something like the insulated mitts that you can 
> get on line my smart. Those are oven mitts that fit your hands that are 
> fairly thin so you can somewhat feel what you’re doing. Then you can get used 
> to finding your meat, and finding your spatula. The trick is not to burn 
> yourself, and if you get a good set oven if you get a good set of oven mitts 
> and a lot of patience you want. Everything will seem very difficult at first, 
> but it will get easier quickly. It also might help to start with pieces of 
> meat like small steaks, pork chops, and things that won’t fall apart easily. 
> Also practiced flipping a cooked piece of meat on a cold grill. This way you 
> won’t burn yourself in anyway.
> Sent from my iPhone this time
> On Apr 15, 2019, at 8:23 AM, May Anderson via Cookinginthedark 
> <cookinginthedark@acbradio.org> wrote:
> Good evening everyone.
> I was wondering if there was a safe way for a totally blind person to 
> barbecue? I would love to be able to make barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs 
> for starters.
> May, Baby J and little Snowman
> www.canadianlynx.ca
> m...@canadianlynx.ca
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