Can You Freeze Milk?
Good news! According to the Dairy Council of California, it's perfectly fine
to freeze milk for later use. You just have to make sure you do so before
the expiration or "best by" date. If you find yourself always pouring
out-of-date milk down the drain, this simple solution can save you money and
reduce food waste.

How to Freeze Milk
You can actually freeze milk in its original container, so long as that
container is plastic. If your milk comes in a glass or cardboard container,
transfer it into a freezer-safe plastic container before you freeze. Milk
will expand when frozen, causing glass or cardboard to break - and you don't
want that mess in your freezer.

Because milk will expand, it's important that you don't place a completely
full jug of milk straight into the freezer. Leave one to two inches of
headspace in each container, whether you're freezing the entire jug or
you're separating it out into individual containers. Then simply reseal the
lid, shake vigorously, and place in the freezer.

Write the date on the milk with a marker. Milk will save in the freezer for
up to three months, although it's best to use it sooner rather than later,
as it can absorb odors from food stored nearby.

How to Thaw Milk
For safe consumption, milk will need to be thawed either in the refrigerator
or in cold water. Do not thaw milk at room temperature, because this can
risk the quality of the milk if it gets too warm.

To safely thaw milk, place it in the refrigerator to slowly thaw. To speed
things up, you can also fill a sink or a large bowl with cold water and
place the entire container in the water. Replace the water as it warms up.

You may notice the texture of the milk after it's thawed is a bit grainy.
This is because the fat separates. But fear not! A vigorous shake will help
return the milk to its original texture. Thawed milk should be consumed
within three to four days.

How Milk Changes After Freezing
Although thawed milk will retain its nutrients, you may notice a difference
in its appearance. The fat may separate, causing the texture to be slightly
grainy, which is why shaking it prior to use is necessary.

You may also use an immersion blender to mix the fats back into the milk.
Because of their lower fat content, skim milk and low-fat milk freeze best.

Another change you might notice in your milk is the flavor, and not because
the milk has gone bad. Storing milk in the freezer (even with a sturdy
plastic container) can cause it to absorb odors from particularly pungent
foods (looking at you, seafood). This is why you should try to use your
frozen milk sooner rather than later, and avoid storing it next to foods
with strong odors.

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