Ninja Aqua Fresca

1/2 large cantaloupe, peeled and seeded
3/4 cup water
1.5 tablespoons sugar (to taste, up to 1/4 cup)
1-2 tablespoons lime juice (to taste)

Puree cantaloupe in a high speed blender or food processor (30 seconds on
level 1 for Ninja)

Strain puree through a sieve, pushing down with a spatula to extract as much
juice as possible - you should have about a cup of juice.

Add water and sugar and stir - taste test to see if you need more sugar
Add lime juice and stir - start with 1 tablespoon and taste test before
adding more
If you plan ahead, you can freeze the remaining pulp in an ice cube tray and
have cantaloupe ice cubes!  Enjoy.


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