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What’s the Best Substitute for Soy Sauce? Here Are 6 Delicious Options

By: Katherine <>  Gillen


It gives marinades a boost of umami, it makes a mean sauce for stir-fries 
<>  and you 
can’t have sushi <>  or 
dumplings <> 
 without it on the side. Yep, soy sauce is one of our pantry heroes. It’s 
salty, tangy and savory in all the right ways, not to mention versatile. But if 
you have a soy or wheat allergy, the condiment is off-limits. Or maybe you’re 
watching your sodium intake and just trying to avoid it. Is there a worthy 
substitute for soy sauce? Yep, in fact, there are six.

But first, what is soy sauce?

Chinese in origin, the salty brown liquid is actually made from a fermented 
paste of soybeans, roasted grains, brine (aka saltwater) and a mold called 
kōji. (Fun fact: It dates back to the Western Han dynasty in 206 B.C. and was 
historically used as a way to stretch salt, a luxurious and expensive 



Traditional soy sauce takes months to make. First, soybeans are soaked and 
cooked, and wheat is roasted and crushed. Then the mixture is inoculated with 
kōji, mixed with brine and left to brew. The liquid is pressed from the solids, 
pasteurized and bottled, and voilà, it finally ends up on your table. Depending 
on the country and region of origin, soy sauce can taste different from bottle 
to bottle, and there are endless varieties and flavors. (Light, dark, sweet and 
thick are common ones.)

But if you’re avoiding soy sauce (or just plain ran out), don’t worry. You can 
substitute other comparable ingredients.

6 substitutes for soy sauce

1. Tamari

If you’re not dealing with a soy allergy or monitoring your sodium intake, 
tamari is the closest in taste to regular soy sauce. That’s because it’s also 
made from soybeans and brewed in a similar way, but it doesn’t contain wheat, 
so it’s gluten-free.

2. Worcestershire sauce

Another fermented sauce, this British condiment usually contains a blend of 
malt vinegar, anchovies, spices, sugar, salt, garlic, onions, tamarind extract 
and molasses. It has the same umami quality as soy sauce, but much less sodium 
and no soy or gluten. (But if you’re allergic to shellfish or seafood, you’ll 
want to skip it.)

3. Coconut aminos

A sauce made from fermented coconut sap, coconut aminos has an umami flavor 
profile that’s similar to soy sauce. It’s a little bit sweeter, but it’s also 
lower in sodium (about 90 milligrams per teaspoon compared to 290 milligrams in 
soy sauce) and gluten-free.

4. Liquid aminos

Liquid aminos (such as Bragg 
 ) is a liquid protein concentrate that’s made from soybeans but not fermented. 
Like coconut aminos, it’s gluten-free, but it does contain soy and has a 
similar sodium content. It tastes a lot like soy sauce, albeit milder and 

5. Dried mushrooms

If you need a substitute for soy sauce that’s gluten- and soy-free and low in 
sodium, dried shiitake mushrooms can work in a pinch. Rehydrate the mushrooms 
in water, then use that soaking liquid in place of the soy sauce. It’s not the 
closest substitute in the bunch, but it packs an umami punch.

6. Fish sauce

This funky condiment is made from fish or krill that’s fermented in salt for up 
to two years. It has a savory, umami quality like soy sauce, but you probably 
won’t want to substitute it in equal amounts. (It’s pretty fishy, after all.)

With the exception of fish sauce, these six substitutes for soy sauce can be 
swapped in a one-to-one ratio, but we always recommend tasting as you go for 
best results.

Want to make a homemade substitute for soy sauce? Here’s how.


*       2 tablespoons beef bouillon (regular or low-sodium)
*       1 teaspoon molasses
*       1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
*       Pinch of ground ginger
*       Pinch of garlic powder
*       Freshly ground black pepper, to taste


In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the beef bouillon, molasses, 
apple cider vinegar, ground ginger and garlic powder with ¾ cup water. Bring to 
a boil, then lower the heat and simmer until the liquid is reduced to your 
desired flavor strength, 10 to 12 minutes. Season to taste with a few cracks of 
freshly ground black pepper.





"If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique challenges 
each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more 
love, patience, tolerance, and care."

-Marvin J. Ashton


I appreciate the second chance of life at:

-Sugar 😘 







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