hari jayaram wrote:
Hello Paul and everyone,
Since I had complained about difficulties in building coot from subersion on Ubuntu Jaunty , I thought I should write in to say that I tried building the subversion revision 2021 on ubuntu 9.04 from scratch and it builds just fine and everything works great

2021 has interactive sharpening - enjoy :)

However the "build-it-gtk2-simple python" build script seems to always build into two directories
the :

Technical answer: IIUC, the build script builds coot and dependences and dev files in $AUTOBUILD_BUILD/coot-pre-release-gtk2-python. At the end the build script copies (rsyncs) out a minimal portion the built files. You don't need the include files to run coot (this cuts down the binary tar ball size and was suggested by Clemens Vonrhein). Being in a different directory to the one in which it was built simulates being installed on another computer - and thus we (also) run the test suite from there (which has caught a few problems in the past).

For my 32 bit 9.04 running ubuntu the coot-pre-release-gtk2-python/bin/coot binary works just fine .


The coot-Linux-i686-ubuntu-9.04-gtk2-python/bin/coot stops with a message (GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized once.). Is that because it may be a 64 bit build?

No, well, not fundamentally - it seems to me that a bug is being tickled but only in the 64 bit version.

I wonder (to myself) if it is because both scheme and python are setting up threads...

So I am guessing I have to give some command line switch to the script to suppress the i686 build on this ubuntu 32bit 9.04 box.

No... not really... (i686 is the default, isn't it?) you can set the arch type in the compiler flags if you want, but that is not a "proper" solution.

Regardless I am happily cooting with the latest build on Jaunty jackalope.
Thanks a tonne



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