On Jul 29, 2009, at 3:34 AM, Paul Emsley wrote:

For me, the reference stereo image is Frodo on a E&S PS390.

I'm old(e) enough to remember having used that.

You might like to tweak the eye angle:

set_hardware_stereo_angle_factor(1.45) # or some such

(I am presuming that you are using the pythonic version).

The mac (fink) versions that we packaged use both python and scheme simultaneously at the same time all at once concurrently and in unison.

Thanks to Paul (and Warren) for implementing this.

For stereo support of Zalman M220W in Coot, credit should entirely go to Bernhard Lohkamp.

Sorry, I fscked up. I have no excuse, given previous email exchanges, except to plead sleep deprivation and juvenile onset senility (but I remember the PS300).



Tootle pip.


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