Dear Jürgen:

I've been using the DVI cable provided and full resolution (I had to set this manually in display preferences). I assume what works with my mini and my airbook would also work with a macbook pro. I haven't tried the VGA option, but assume that would work too.

One thing I discovered is it doesn't work if you have display mirroring on. If that is the case, turn it off in display preferences, and hopefully it will then work.

If not, try tilting the screen up or down a little bit (or move your head relative to the screen).

I went through a bit of frustration but it was all due to user error on my part.

Is the DVI cable just dead?

Did you issue the command in coot to start the stereo specific to Zalman mode?

Try the latest PyMOL too. You have to rename it first. Then open it, and if it isn't already in stereo, just hit the "stereo" menu item.

Depending on the positioning of the window, and number of pixels, you can have the image reversed, so check to see if that is happening, as it ruins the 3D effect.

Good luck.  Hope it is working for you soon.


On Aug 5, 2009, at 11:46 AM, Jürgen Bosch wrote:

Hi Bill,

I have received my two Zalmans yesterday and I wanted to try them out today. I don't seem to have the right settings I assume as I get a double vision image e.g. a loop that is supposed to be in the back in 3d splits up and you can see two lines (that's as Calpha). I have played with the resolution of the monitor to decrease it to 768x1024 but the two lines still persist. I'm using the latest 15" MacBookPro via MiniDisplayport to VGA as the DVI does not seem to work with the cable provided by Zalman I assume.

My coot is
0.6-pre-1 rev 2037

I turned of spaces and enabled mirroring to keep it simple but I'm not quite happy right now. I have not yet tried Pymol as my version does not support the Zalman monitors.

Any suggestions what I can try to get rid of the double lines ?



Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:      +1-410-614-4894
Fax:      +1-410-955-3655

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