On Nov 2, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Bryan W. Lepore wrote:

"Be sure to use the so-called "unstable" branch of fink to get the latest pre-releases of coot"

do i read this correctly : it means ONLY pre-releases, right? and then :

"`fink -y install coot` [...] whenever you require the latest version. "

means precisely that - the latest version, NOT a pre-release, so that the unstable branch does not need activation.


This is why I gave up my first career as an international peace mediator in the Middle East. I don't think I consciously distinguished between "pre-release" and "release" when I wrote this.

In any case, the latest coot will always be in unstable.

For a long time, the version of coot in stable was 0.5.2, but I had to make so many changes to get coot to compile as 64-bit on 10.6 64-bit fink but compile as 32-bit on 32-bit fink on 10.6, I didn't want to go back to 0.5.2, so I put the same pre-release into stable as a placeholder that (hopefully) compiles on every permutation of fink and Apple hardware and operating system. When version 0.6 comes out, I will keep that in stable and then again put pre-releases in unstable.

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