Hi Brad,

Am 08.01.2009 04:01, Brad Wetmore schrieb:


Sorry for the delay, I've been working on other projects, and my OpenJDK folder is now overflowing.

No worry about, I became earlier answer from Sherman (Xueming Shen).

So as I understand right, looking for posts like "Added tag jdk7-b40 for changeset 44be42de6693" doesn't make much sense in my case.

I'm not sure I completely understand the question.

We're currently using tags to signify each build (jdk7-b42). If you look at the MASTER repository:


All the changesets that appear after that entry should be in that build.

Tag jdk7-b41 was added 2008/12/08 in this list, and jdk7-b42 _2 weeks ago_, so according your rule above, changeset b89ba9a6d9a6, which was published 2008/12/10, should be in b41, at least in b42, but it isn't.
That was the reason for my question.

Regarding 6642323, looks like it's now in the MASTER, but there hasn't been a promotion yet. I'd guess it'll be b43.

I guess too, according Sherman's answer,

Thanks for your time,


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