
Though I did not write the cache code my reading suggests the existing cache
impl tries to avoid the relatively "expensive" synchronization for most use scenarios, your approach however hits the synchronization for each/every lookup invocation. So you should at least consider to put the sync block in a separate lookup2.

But personally I doubt we really care this "race condition", it's a cache, a cache miss is not a disaster, in fact in most cases, since the charset has been in the cache already, it should be in the providers' "cache" as well, especially for the bundled standard & extended charset provider, the lookup actually is 1 or 2 O(1) hashmap
lookup (yes, an additional name canonicalization and the "expensive" sync).

So maybe we can do something like

b = cache1;
cache1 = a;
cache2 = b;

to make the situation a little better, or maybe worse:-)



Ulf Zibis wrote:
I.) Internal charset cache will be corrupted in theoretical race conditions:

 cache1 --> Charset1
 cache2 --> Charset2

Scenario 1:
- Thread1 asks for Charset2 via Charset.forName("Charset2").
- If Thread1 is interrupted after code line: cache2 = cache1
 in method lookup2(String charsetName) we have:
 cache1 --> Charset1
 cache2 --> Charset1
If now thread2 asks for Charset2, it can't find it in cache, so it invokes
 an expensive lookup via registered providers.

Scenario 2:
- Thread1 asks for Charset2.
- Thread1 is interupted before cache2 = cache1;
- If now thread2 asks for Charset2 we have after completing lookup2():
 cache1 --> Charset2
 cache2 --> Charset1
- Now thread1 resumes; after completing lookup2() we have:
 cache1 --> Charset2
 cache2 --> Charset2
In the end we can see, that Charset1 is lost in cache.

II.) Endless loop, if VM's default charset (called by Charset.defaultCharset())
    needs to load mapping data via Class.getResourceAsStream():

- Invoking Class.getResourceAsStream(), again calls for Charset.defaultCharset(),
 so we are in endless loop.

Note: The error condition, described in
is fixed since Bug ID 6797688, but the endless loop, getting the default charset, remains.

See my patches here: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/show_bug.cgi?id=100107


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