On 03/27/11 12:09, Alan Bateman wrote:
Mandy Chung wrote:

6381464: SimpleFormatter should use one single line format

This is a follow-up of the review for 7006814.   I came up with a better
solution that allows a user to customize the output format for SimpleFormatter. You can specify the format string using the java.util.Formatter syntax in a new property: "java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter" that you can customize
your own output format. See the javadoc for details:

Webrev at:
It definitely make sense to do this in conjunction with 7006814. I've gone through the webrev and it mostly looks good to me. A couple of small comments:

Thanks for the feedback.  It's the right thing to do.

SimpleFormatter L144-146, you could use a StringBuilder to build it up when the source file is known.

I considered that. But I am not sure if this simple concatenation worths the overhead of constructing the StringBuilder.

SimpleFormatter L156, I assume this should be %n rather than \n. Same thing in PlatformLogger.

'\n' is a character added in the string created in L156 but not in a format string in which %n is used to represents a newline.

SimpleFormatter L161, this pre-dates your changes but I don't see why it catch Exception here. Same thing in PlatformLogger.

Good catch.  I clean that up.

In logging.properties it might be good to extend the comment to mention that the example generate one-line log messages.


The new test has a copyright date of 2010, I assume this should be 2011.

Fixed - copy-n-paste error :)

Updated webrev:


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