On 15/11/2011 2:09 AM, Gary Adams wrote:
I've updated the webrev for CR#6860309 using a CountDownLatch.
The main thread will wait til both worker threads are ready to
block on the read() before the process is destroyed.


 25  * @bug 4820217 6860309

As per other emails and still waiting from confirmation from Alan. I don't think the @bug should be updated for any of these test fixes.

 47                boolean ae, boolean wi,CountDownLatch l)

style: Missing space after comma

110         latch.await();
111         Thread.sleep(100);

The test already lacks comments, I suggest adding:

110         latch.await();     // wait till both Copiers about to read
111         Thread.sleep(100); // Give both Copiers a chance to start read

Ditto for the other tests

Tested with -Xcomp, but still may need a older slow solaris/sparc
machine to confirm the fix works for the original bug

Difficult to test. Trying using a slower T1000 and binding the JVM to only a single core.

The fix improves the chances of success but is still not fool-proof by any means.

Thanks for your perseverance.


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