On 05/12/2011 02:52, David Holmes wrote:
Thanks Chris and Doug et al. These fixups look good to me too.

One minor nit:


The javadoc changes on longValue() changed actual text not just
formatting. It changes it to be consistent with other methods, but is a
change none-the-less. Not saying we can't do it, just pointing it out.

Right, since it didn't change the meaning and is more consistent I with other methods it should fine. But I should have highlighted it in the review mail.

I'm not sticking strictly to Stuarts rules I know, just trying to make life a little easier in the future ;-)

Thanks for the review,


On 3/12/2011 3:18 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:

On 12/ 2/11 04:22 PM, Doug Lea wrote:
We just went through these and others, and believe that everything
is now warning free.

Thanks Doug, Wow you guys are quick!

I pulled in these specific changes (atomic) and updated the webrev:


I'm slowly working through the j.u.c.* classes and hope to have a webrev
out next week.



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