On 23/01/2012 08:23, Joe Darcy wrote:

Responding to some of code review feedback from Ulf about the unsigned API work, I've taken a pass at purging


from the jdk repo's javadoc and replacing it with

    {@code '\u005Cu0030'}

since {@code} is generally preferable.

Webrev with these changes and other <code></code> => {@code} transformations at


With these changes, the javadoc builds runs without additional warnings and a specdiff against a reference copy of the javadoc shows no unexpected changes.


I looked through the patch. Looks like there is an issue in java.io.RandomAccessFile where all <code> usages have been changed to </code>. In java.io.DataInput I see that the javadoc doesn't go beyond about column 40 in many cases and maybe it would be good to clean this up while you are there.


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