On 3/8/2012 7:25 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 08/03/2012 08:09, Shi Jun Zhang wrote:

There is still no reply from build infra project and even if it is in build infra, it will take a long time to merge back to trunk. But this including pthread problem really affects AIX platform. I'm thinking we can use #ifndef __solaris__ form because all other POSIX-conformant platforms (BSD, Mac, AIX, ...) except Solaris need to include pthread.h.

Here is the webrev:

Kumar will likely have an opinion on java_md.c/ContinueInNewThread0. Personally I would go for #ifdef __solaris ... #end ... #endif rather than #ifndef __solaris__.
I've modified it to #ifdef __solaris__ ... #else ... #endif.

I don't think the changes to NativeThread.c are quite right because it assumes that we need to signal threads on platforms other than Solaris and it also assumes the signal is __SIGRTMAX - 2. I don't know what you use in your AIX port but once the preemptive close issues are sorted out on Mac then I assume it will be SIGIO. So for this one I would suggest the ifdef in the init, current and signal methods be ifdef INTERRUPT_SIGNAL.
The situation in NativeThread.c is more complicated than other 2 files. I'm not familiar with BSD or Mac. It seems that we don't need to signal threads on BSD or Mac. And INTERRUPT_SIGNAL on AIX will definitely be different from the one on Linux. I think we'd better separate the changes in NativeThread.c from this patch and try to solve it later.

The change to socket_md.c looks okay to me but you will need to re-base your patch due to the Mac port in jdk8/tl.
I'm a new comer and i got known from Charles about the difference between jdk8 and jdk8/tl. The latest webrev is based on jdk8/tl.



Shi Jun Zhang

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