On 07/29/2012 11:17 PM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Dan,

On 30/07/2012 2:20 PM, Dan Xu wrote:
Thank you, Alan. I see the change is already pushed into the repository.
I am going to move the bug status to 10-Fix Delivered. But I don't know
what values I need put into "Commit To Fix In Build", "Fixed In Build",
and "Integrated In Build". In glisten, I see the latest build under
/java/re/jdk/8/promoted/all is b49. Shall I put b49 to those fields?

While Alan is likely sleeping ... :)

Change the bug to "Fix Available". It is marked "Fix Delivered" after the TL repository integrates. b49 is already promoted and I would not expect TL to integrate again before the next promotion (b50), so b51 is a reasonable guesstimate for both "commit to fix in build" and "fixed in build". RE will fill in "Integrated in build" when the bug is moved to Fix Delivered after integration. It is "Integrated in build" that is the important value for tracking purposes.

David Holmes


- Dan
Thank you, David. I have moved the bug to 8-Fix Available.

- Dan

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