On 09/01/2012 07:11 PM, Ulf wrote:
Am 01.09.2012 03:15, schrieb Stuart Marks:
On 8/31/12 3:19 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
Stuart, much thanks for your detailed explanation. The as is situation has not been in question from my side, but anyway it seems, that it had catalysed a new solution, despite that the additional break; could affect JIT optimization of the enclosing loop. So there should be an explaining comment, even if Hotspot
(but maybe others) is not affected in current configuration.

If we were to add a comment, I'm not sure what it would explain. The fall-through approach is unusual and is what deserves a comment. Changing each case to have a break at the end is conventional and straightforward and doesn't need a comment.

Well, to me it's a kind of taste. The purpose of the given code is to filter all valid delimiters from an invalid tail-match, which are in fact 2 cases, to separate by *one* break.
So the comment could be:
break; // could be dropped to help JIT-optimization, but favours java compiler warning
break; // prevents from java compiler warning, but could risk to miss JIT-optimization threshold

Anyway, the code better should be:
 527             boolean seencomma = false;
 528             for (i -= matchlen; i >= 0 && !seencomma; i--) {
 529                 switch(a[i]) {
 530                 case ',':
 531                     seencomma = true;
 532                     break;
533 case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\f': case '\t':
 534                     break;
 535                 default:
 536                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
 537                             "invalid permission: " + actions);
 538                 }
 539             }
540 // now i points at the location of the comma minus one (or is -1).
 541         }

On 8/30/12 7:14 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
I can see that it is reasonable/possible to bind a
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") to a declaration which contains the unchecked
assignment, but which declaration should contain a fallthrough case?

... You may call me pedantic, but the above question is still open to me.

I thought I had answered this. But if you think the question is still open, then perhaps I didn't understand the question.

I wanted to ask, how a switch...case statement, where @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") could apply, can be enclosed by a declaration, other than a method declaration. Can you give an example?

As far as I know, switch statement cannot be embedded inside a simple local variable declaration statement. To suppress it, you have to annotate at a wider scope, for example the scope of a method or class.

For a complicated local variable declaration statement as the following,

Runnable task = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        switch statement;

you can annotate the declaration of the variable task. But it is better to annotate method run();

Maybe one could optimize javac to recognize such situation and hold back the
warning in that case, as the current code looks more intuitive and has
potential advantage for JIT optimization.

This seems like a very, very narrow case for the javac compiler to analyze and to decide whether a warning is truly warranted.

See the following example...
switch (test) {
    case "A" : doSomething();
    case "B" :
    case "C" : break;
    default : doOther();
In pedantic view, case "B" also could be seen as a fallthrough case. So it seems, that javac already suppresses warnings if obviously superfluous.

All switch statement can be translated to if-then-else statement.

For example,

char c = ...;
switch(c) {
case 'A': doSomething1(); break;
case 'B':
case 'C': doSomething2(); break;
default: doOther(); break;

Translate to:

char c = ...;
if(c == 'A'){
} else if(c == 'B' || c == 'C'){
} else {

In the if-then-else statement, 'A', 'B', and 'C' are not the same level conditions. 'B' and 'C' can be regarded as two aspects of one condition. But 'A' is a different condition. Thus, it is easy to make the decision that missing the break statement in case 'B' is intentional, but missing the break statement at the end of case 'A' may be a mistake.

It seems unlikely to me that the fall-through approach was a performance optimization (but if JIT experts want to chime in, please feel free). It seems likely this was left over from an earlier version that wanted to share code between the comma and whitespace cases. When this shared code was removed the fall through was mistakenly left in place. The files' histories don't shed any light on this though.

Well, we had the discussion about inserting a local variable declaration to allow a smaller scope for @SuppressWarnings("unchecked"). I believe, that an additional break statement adds additional bytecode too.
As Stuart mentioned earlier, "short methods are the ones most likely to be impacted by the addition of a local variable affecting compilation/inlining decisions." As this method is sort of long, in my understanding, the addition of break statement will not affect the compilation result that much. (JIT experts, please correct me if I am wrong.)



Good point. We had talked about this before (back in December 2011) but I never filed a bug for it. I've just filed 7195670. (Not sure when it'll appear on bugs.sun.com though.) Thanks for prompting me to do this.



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