Alexey -- where's the webrev? This message just appeared in core-libs-dev, but I don't see the previous message(s) it appears to be a follow-up to.

On 11/15/2012 10:08 AM, Alexey Utkin wrote:
Let's move forward step by step and be very accurate.
There are ~35 CoreLib tests with AWT/Swing.

Here they are with short annotation (sub-question: is [closed/com/sun/jmx] a part of CoreLib? It is not in your list.):
*closed/com/sun/jmx/snmp/ : *
test for AppContext - Useless in absence of AWT, headless - ok

*closed/com/sun/jmx/trace/ : *
test for AppContext - Useless in absence of AWT, headless - ok

*closed/java/net/URLClassLoader/ :*
Dirty test. Depends from rt.jar entry ["javax/swing/plaf/metal/icons/Warn.gif"] that is used
for resource URL construction by App Class Loader.
Test fails in absence of AWT, headless - ok.
Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage.

*closed/java/lang/ClassLoader/ :*
Covers class loader functionality.
Fails in absence of AWT, headless - ok
Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage.

*closed/java/lang/ClassLoader/resource/ :*
Covers class loader functionality.
Manual. "ignore" keyword. Useless without AWT.

closed/java/lang/Package/ :
*Applet based. "ignore" keyword. Useless without AWT.

*closed/java/lang/Runtime/shutdown/ :*
Has a manual part, that is useless without AWT.

*closed/java/lang/SecurityManager/ :*
Fails in absence of AWT, headless - ok,
Easy to fix - choose another class for test access.

*closed/java/net/InetAddress/ :*
Manual applet based, that is useless without AWT.

*closed/java/util/Properties/ :*
Fails in absence of AWT, headless - ok.
Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage for bug:
[5061476 Generification conflict: Properties vs. java.awt.image.ImageConsumer by neal.gafter info]

*test for AppContext - Useless in absence of AWT, headless - ok .

*closed/java/util/TimeZone/ :*
Manual applet based, that is useless without AWT.

*closed/javax/management/security/ :*
Fixed in webrev.

*closed/javax/management/remote/mandatory/security/,* *closed/javax/management/remote/mandatory/security/, closed/javax/management/remote/mandatory/security/ :
* Applet-based app-context test. Security bug - no description.
Fails in absence of AWT, headless - ok.

closed/javax/script/ :
* Manual applet based, that is useless without AWT.

*com/sun/jdi/ :*
Loads Sun Toolkit.
Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage for bug.

*java/io/Serializable/resolveClass/deserializeButton/* :
Fixed in webrev.

*java/io/Serializable/resolveProxyClass/ :*
Works in absence of AWT, headless - ok.
Loads the AWT and Swing classes as test cases.
The ClassNotFoundException exception does not leads to test fail.

*java/lang/management/CompilationMXBean/ :*
are in use.
Test fails in absence of AWT, headless - ok.
Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage.

*java/lang/reflect/Proxy/ :*
Works in absence of AWT, headless - ok.
Loads the AWT and Swing classes as test cases.
(the same scenario as [java/io/Serializable/resolveProxyClass/])
The ClassNotFoundException exception does not leads to test fail.

*java/lang/reflect/Generics/* :
Loads "javax.swing.JComboBox$AccessibleJComboBox"class.
Fails in absence of AWT, headless - ok
Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage.

*java/lang/Throwable/* :
Instantiates "java.awt.print.PrinterIOException"class.
Fails in absence of AWT, headless - ok
Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage.

*java/net/URLClassLoader/* :
Hmm. Seems that is not URLClassLoader test.
Checks an existence of "javax/swing/text/rtf/charsets/mac.txt" entry inside rt.jar.
Fails in absence of Swing, headless - ok

*java/util/Collections/* :
as constructed empty entities.
Fails in absence of Swing, headless - ok
Easy to fix.

*java/util/logging/ :*
Covers interaction between LogManager.<clinit> and Logger.getLogger().
Fails in absence of Awt, headless - ok
Easy to fix.

*java/util/ResourceBundle/Control/ :*
Swing specific test.
Useless in absence of Swing, headless - ok

*java/util/ResourceBundle/* :
Checks local resource loading.
Fails in absence of Awt, headless - ok
Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage.

*java/util/ResourceBundle/ :*
Awt specific test. Checks local resource loading.
Useless in absence of Awt, headless - ok

*java/util/ResourceBundle/Control/ :*
Checks CoreResourceBundleControl on Swing UIDefaults.
Fails in absence of Awt, headless - ok

sun/nio/cs/ :
*headless - ok. The tested subject seems have no relation with AWT or Swing.

1] That have I do with tests marked as "Easy to fix, but it cuts off test coverage"? 2] Should I remove/move the manual tests and tests that essentially depends from AWT or Swing?

It seems that the switch "-Djava.awt.headless=true" is useless in all CoreLib tests.
AWT uses the property to force running in headless mode.
There are two cases:
- manual or AWT/Swing-action dependent tests. An attempt to run they in headless mode leads to test fail. - AWT-class dependent tests. They skip AWT initialization.For these cases the value of the property does not affect the result. The only place where the "java.awt.headless" value is essential is the image coding/decoding.

All mentioned tests (that are marked as "headless - ok") was tested in ssh session from Win to Mac OS without
additional switches.


Jim Gish | Consulting Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.0304
Oracle Java Platform Group | Core Libraries Team
35 Network Drive
Burlington, MA 01803

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