Hello all;

I have updated the webrev again for hopefully the last time:


The implementation now uses Primitive.primitiveValue() ie. 
Integer.integerValue() rather than a cast. Same bytecode but using the 
intrinsic function makes it more clear that result is either primitive or NPE 
and that CCE is not possible.

I have added @throws NPE for a number of the default methods. We won't be 
including @throws NPE in all cases where null is disallowed because when the 
@throws NPE is declared the API is required to throw NPE in that circumstance. 
So for cases where the NPE is "naturally" thrown or that aren't performance 
sensitive we will likely add @throws NPE declarations but for performance 
sensitive methods we won't be adding explicit null checks to match a @throws 
NPE specification. There's a tradeoff here in some cases. Please feel free to 
quibble about specific cases as they occur. :-)


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