Hi Martin, thanks a lot for this.

I've renamed LINKFLAG to the more appropriate (and common) ARCHFLAG. It seems to pop up all around our source but if build-dev know of a better (or canonical) way of doing it I'll take it!

The BUILD_JEXEC differences don't show up in my webrev or hg diff, but I see them in the jdk.patch generated by webrev. I have no idea why this is. (I did use the JEXEC stuff as a template for the JSPAWNHELPER code, but I don't recall altering the JEXEC stuff in any way. It looks like its limited to indentation. Strange.)

W.r.t. useFork, I'll discuss this with Alan once he has a spare minute. I believe he may have had some concerns, but I'll let you know how that goes either way.

The only __APPLE__ should be to get the call to _NSGetEnviron(). Everything else should be bsd.

I've put a webrev at:

http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~robm/5049299/webrev.03/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erobm/5049299/webrev.03/>

I hope this addresses the rest of your comments.


P.S. Gah, just noticed you requested the move of that enum to a single flavour independent file. I'll do that for the next round. (src/solaris/classes/java/lang/ProcessImpl.java?)

On 20/12/12 04:04, Martin Buchholz wrote:
Thanks for this.  I agree with the strategy.

I'm hoping build folks and macosx folks also take a look at this hairy change.

+ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 64)
+LINKFLAG = -m64

It looks wrong to be specifying toolchain-specific flags here. Also, -m64 is logically a compiler flag, i.e. belongs in a variable with a name like CFLAGS.

 ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), solaris)
+    ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_BITS), 32)
+        BUILD_JEXEC := 1
+    endif

Why mess with jexec?


+                String s = System.getProperty("java.lang.useFork");

"java.lang.Process.useFork" is a better name.
Also, useFork suggests it's a binary choice. Wouldn't it be better to have the system property "java.lang.Process.spawn.mechanism" with values fork, vfork, posix_spawn, clone


+    enum LaunchMechanism {
+        CLONE(1), FORK(2),
+        VFORK(3), SPAWN(4);

I would rename SPAWN to POSIX_SPAWN.
The enum can be moved to a unix-flavor-independent file.


+ helperpath = javahome + "/lib/" + osarch + "/jspawnhelper";

There ought to be a standard way to get the "libarchdir"


Of course, WhyCantJohnnyExec should have been WhyJohnnyCantExec
This is your chance to correct my mistake!


Sometimes I see __APPLE__ sometimes I see _ALLBSD_SOURCE. Hopefully such things will be removed later when the new build system is obligatory.


+    /* Initialize xx_parentPathv[] */

It's not called xx_anything any more.


+            shutItDown();

How about renaming to usageError() ?


+    r = sscanf (argv[argc-1], "%d:%d", &fdin, &fdout);

How about checking for argc == 2 ?


On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Rob McKenna <rob.mcke...@oracle.com <mailto:rob.mcke...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    Hi folks,

    Thanks for the feedback so far. I've uploaded a new webrev to:


    I've made the following headline changes:

    - Initial effort to get this stuff into the new build-infra.
    Hoping build-infra can steer me in the right direction. (note to
    build infra reviewers: see links below)

    - Source thats shared between jspawnhelper.c and UNIXProcess_md.c
    now resides in childproc.h/c. This results in cleaner changes to
    the makefiles.

    - jspawnhelper moved to <jdk_home>/lib/<arch> on solaris (ipc
    necessitate the use of a separate jspawnhelper for each arch) and
    just /lib on macosx.

    The following links to earlier threads are well worth reading for
    additional context:



    On 30/11/12 03:48, Rob McKenna wrote:

        Hi David,

        On 30/11/12 02:31, David Holmes wrote:

            Hi Rob,

            This is only a superficial scan.

            The changes in java/java/makefile look pretty horrible.
            What are all those -R entries?

        Library search paths. Currently jprochelper is linked to
        libjava. I'm hoping to either cut their number (by altering
        jprochelpers home) or get rid of them altogether (by avoiding
        linking at all) in the next draft, they are indeed ungainly.

            We will need equivalent changes for the new build system
            before this is pushed.


            Is the spawn use BSD specific (as per
            UnixProcess.java.BSD) or Apple specific (as per __APPLE_
            in UNIXProcess_md.c) ?

        Eesh, thanks, it applies to both platforms.

            Are the UnixProcess.java files similar enough that we
            could use a single template and generate the per-OS variants?

        Before this change .bsd & .linux were identical (iirc)
        unfortunately, no longer. Solaris has  differences. When you
        say "generate the per-OS variants" how do you mean? I'd like
        to keep it as straightforward as possible from a sustaining
        perspective. (personally I'd like to just extend a base class
        and try to get away from the makefiles as much as possible -
        we can discuss this in 8000975 which I'll revisit once I get
        through this)

            In UNIXProcess_md.c:

            209 #ifdef _CS_PATH
             210     char *pathbuf;
             211     size_t n;
             212     n = confstr(_CS_PATH,NULL,(size_t) 0);
             213     pathbuf = malloc(n);
             214     if (pathbuf == NULL)
             215         abort();
             216     confstr(_CS_PATH, pathbuf, n);
             217     return pathbuf;
             218 #else

            what is _CS_PATH and why are we calling abort()? !!!!

        As per Martins comments I'm going to separate this into
        another change. See:




        for context. I'll look to fall back to the previous code if
        the pathbuf malloc fails.

            What is all the xx_ naming ??

        I believe Michael was using it to denote shared calls.
        (functions called from both jprochelper and within
        UNIXProcess_md.c). I presumed it was placeholder text
        actually, in any case it may go away in the next iteration as
        per previous comments. If not, I'm happy to replace it with
        whatever gets it past codereview.



            On 23/11/2012 7:27 AM, Rob McKenna wrote:

                Hi folks,

                Looking for a review for the webrev below, which also

                7175692: (process) Process.exec should use posix_spawn

                For additional context and a brief description it
                would be well worth
                looking at the following thread started by Michael
                McMahon, who did the
                brunt of the work for this fix:


                Basically the fix aims to swap fork for posix_spawn as
                the default
                process launch mechanism on Solaris and Mac OSX in
                order to avoid swap
                exhaustion issues encountered with fork()/exec(). It
                also offers a flag
                (java.lang.useFork) to allow a user to revert to the
                old behaviour.

                I'm having trouble seeing the wood for the trees at
                this point so I'm
                anticipating plenty of feedback. In particular I'd
                appreciate some
                discussion on:

                - The binary launcher name & property name may need
                some work. A more
                general property ("java.lang.launchMechanism") to
                allow a user to
                specify a particular call was mooted too. It may be
                more future proof
                and I'm completely open to that. (e.g.
                launchMechanism=spawn|fork|vfork|clone - we would
                obviously ignore
                inapplicable values on a per-platform basis)
                - I'd like a more robust way of checking that someone
                isn't trying to
                use jprochelper outside of the context for which it is
                - The decision around which call to use getting moved
                to the java level
                and away from the native preprocessor.

                The webrev is at:


                Thanks a lot,


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