Looks good to me Paul.

Trivially, typo in Spliterator.java
  'structural interface' -> 'structural interference'


On 12/08/2013 13:12, Paul Sandoz wrote:

I have updated this webrev to remove documenting empty/singleton collections 
(that will be tackled as a separate issue):



On Aug 8, 2013, at 11:00 AM, Paul Sandoz<paul.san...@oracle.com>  wrote:


The following patch updates documentation for various spliterators:


Mostly this is just clarifying stuff that was missing, but there are a few 
cases of a spec change to Collections (CCC will be created):


This is for the Collection.empty/singleton/nCopies relaxing the reporting of 
characteristics for spliterators containing 0 or 1 elements. It's more 
efficient to share code for empty and singleton spliterator implementations 
(and instance for the former) rather than attempting to conform the required 
characteristics of the collection, which will anyway have little or no benefit 
in terms of the client trying to optimize based on those characteristics.


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