Hi Naoto,

The locale is read from the existing, general parser configuration. The getDefault(Locale.Category <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Locale.Category.html> category) method was added since 1.7 but we would like to maintain code level at 1.5 for JAXP for as long as it's still a standalone.

I haven't seen any bug report for the jaxp parser related to the locale change in Java SE 7. But changing the general settings would be another change request. This one only fixes a minor warning message.


On 10/17/2013 3:34 PM, Naoto Sato wrote:
Hi Joe,

If the locale is used for selecting the language for the warning messages, I'd recommend using Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.DISPLAY) instead.


On 10/17/13 2:51 PM, huizhe wang wrote:

This is a fix to use the existing localized messages on a warning. The
fix is to fetch the localized messages instead of printing out
hard-coded message in English. The locale is initialized in parser
configuration by calling Locale.getDefault. The configuration.getLocale
will reflect the default or that set by users.

This change has been tested by the i18n team.



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