On 11/11/2013 02:24 AM, Ali Ebrahimi wrote:
This is another workaround:

public <T extends Member&AnnotatedElement, R> R reflectAs(Class<? super T> expected, Lookup lookup);

info.reflectAs(Member.class, lookup);//works
info.reflectAs(AnnotatedElement.class, lookup);//works
info.reflectAs(Member.class, lookup);//works
info.reflectAs(AnnotatedElement.class, lookup);//works

info.reflectAs(Object.class, lookup);doesn't work.
info.reflectAs(Other.class, lookup);doesn't work.

with this does not need to your javadoc and is more type safe. .

Hm... it doesn't look very compile-time type-safe:

    String s = info.reflectAs(Method.class, lookup); // compiles !!!

IMO, I would rather remove the Class parameter altogether. It serves no purpose in the method implementation other than to perform a cast-check on the returned object. The method could simply be:

    public <T extends Member> T reflect(Lookup lookup);

This would not solve the problem Remi put forward. I.e. this would not compile:

    AnnotatedElement ae = info.reflect(lookup);

But with an explicit cast, It compiles:

    AnnotatedElement ae = (AnnotatedElement) info.reflect(lookup);

And compared to what we would have with Class parameter and loosened compile-time type-safety as per Remi's suggestion, it is still shorter:

AnnotatedElement ae = info.reflectAs(AnnotatedElement.class, lookup); // this is longer!

A type-unsafe variant is possible too (I'm not advocating it):

    public <T> T reflect(Lookup lookup);

Now that Generalized Target-Type Inference <http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8/features#101> is part of Java 8, using Class<T> parameters just as hints to the compiler is not needed in many cases. But if one needs to hint the compiler, explicit type parameters can be used as an escape hatch as always:

    Object o = info.<Method>reflect(lookup);

Regards, Peter

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 1:59 AM, Remi Forax <fo...@univ-mlv.fr <mailto:fo...@univ-mlv.fr>> wrote:

    The is a stupid issue with the signature of
    j.l.r.Field, Method or Constructor implement two interfaces Member and
    AnnotatedElement, with the current signature, the code
       info.reflectAs(Member.class, lookup)
    works but the code
       info.reflectAs(AnnotatedElement.class, lookup)
    doesn't work.

    Because there is no way to do an 'or' between several bounds of
    a type variable, I think that the signature of reflectAs should be
    changed from :
       public <T extends Member> T reflectAs(Class<T> expected, Lookup
       public <T> T reflectAs(Class<T> expected, Lookup lookup);

    and the javadoc should be modified to explain that a Member or
    AnnotatedElement are
    valid bounds of T.

    As a side effect, the signature of MethodHandles.reflectAs(Class<T>,
    should be updated accordingly.

    There is a workaround, one can write:
       (AnnotatedElement)info.reflectAs(Member.class, lookup)
    but it's at best weird.


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