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On 19/11/2013 4:12 PM, srikalyan chandrashekar wrote:
Hi all, I am working on bug JDK-6772009
<https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6772009> .

Root Cause:
The timeout value gives too much grace period on faster machines on
which the "TO BE INTERRUPTED" threads complete faster before being
interrupted at right time.

Suggested Fix:
a) Decrease the timeout from 100 to 50ms which will ensure that the test
will pass even on faster machines , and ensures the threads will be
canceled when running and anyways there is a Barrier to ensure the test
threads all complete gracefully.
Miscellaneous fixes
b) Convert result from int to long(possible integer overflow otherwise)
c) Catch BrokenBarrierException in more granular fashion in
ReentrantLockLoop to update and print the results (which will be missed
Add more diagnostics
d) Assign names to threads
e) Print which threads update the 'completed' variable.

I have attached the webrev for convenience as the changes are
interleaved and is best viewed as sdiff.
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

Thank you

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