On Feb 3, 2014, at 11:01 PM, Stuart Marks <stuart.ma...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Nobody took the bait on this yet? :-)
> Certainly there's a lot of semi-myth on this topic, on both sides. Here's my 
> source of mythology (or urban legend, as one might have it):
> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp09275/index.html
> My concern here is not so much about leaking of the StringBuilder held in a 
> field, as Chris seemed to be responding to. I'd expect the ObjectInputStream 
> to be GC'd at some point along with any StringBuilders it contains references 
> to.
> I'm more concerned about defeating any optimizations that might occur if 
> local variables are converted to fields. The article referenced above 
> mentions escape analysis and possible stack allocation of locally-created 
> objects. Offhand I don't know if stack allocation occurs for any of the 
> builders in ObjectInputStream, but it certainly cannot occur if references 
> are stored in fields.

The caching of the StringBuffer seems reasonable point fix. (If one is worried 
about field access retain/expand the original method signatures so field access 
is hoisted outside of the loops.)

However, if we want to focus on performance i think it better to change the UTF 
decoding algorithm to target small'ish ASCII strings (size < CHAR_BUF_SIZE) 
thereby avoiding the use of StringBuilder for presumed common cases. (IIRC a 
similar approach in a different area was proposed by Sherman for converting 
strings to lower/upper cases.)

I think that would be a better way to spend our performance investigation 
budget. Thus, it might be better to remove the StringBuilder field from this 
patch and submit another one focusing on UTF decoding; the other changes in the 
patch look good.


> It would good if there were some evidence we could discuss instead of myths 
> and urban legends. :-) Perhaps the original poster (Robert Stupp) can rerun 
> some benchmarks with and without the conversion from locals to fields. 
> (Earlier in the thread he posted some significant performance improvements, 
> but my suspicion is that most of that improvement came from the conversion to 
> use Unsafe.)
> I'm mindful that this may require a lot of effort. I think it would take a 
> fair bit of work to come up with a benchmark that shows any difference 
> between the two cases. I'm also mindful that one's intuition is often wrong.
> s'marks

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