On 06/18/2014 10:44 AM, Phil Race wrote:

You say "under" javax.swing but you don't seem to be touching
any sub-packages.

No, sub-packages has @since in correponding package.html. I use * to mean entitiy in this package, and ** to signal subpackage as well.

If it helps, I can remove .* from the subject.

I notice there is at least one @since 1.7 you
added to the Painter interface - so they aren't all 1.2 - and yet
you didn't add the @since 1.7 to the sole class that implements
Painter - perhaps because its in a sub-package.

It's used in javax.swing.plaf.nimbus, which has @since 1.7.

Also note that whilst @since 1.2 is strictly correct in terms of Java SE
but Swing was initially an unbundled library - somewhat analagous
to Java FX 2.x, and ran on JDK 1.1.x

Understood. We are focus to make sure @since has the first version since the inclusion in J2SE. Other version information, as Mark suggested, can be expressed after comma. In case Java FX is included in JDK9, we would expect it to have have @since 1.9, Java FX x.x.

As swing component currenly doesn't have that extra version information, we will simply mark the J2SE debut.



On 6/18/2014 9:16 AM, Henry Jen wrote:
Thanks, Alexander.


On 06/18/2014 03:44 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   The fix looks good for me.


On 6/11/2014 4:00 AM, Henry Jen wrote:

Please review a trivial webrev that provides missing @since tag for
elements under javax.swing,

Essentially it's simply add @since 1.2 for all
classes/interfaces/exception that are missing @since tag, as JDK 1.2
package.html has @since tag but was removed in 1.3.

The @since tag is added to *.java instead of package.html so that we
can have javac report javadoc via
javax.lang.model.util.Elements.getDocComment(Element c).



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