On Jun 24, 2014, at 2:42 AM, Mike Duigou <mike.dui...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Hello all;
> This changeset corrects a reported problem with the lists returned by 
> Collections.checkedList(). Since Java 8 the replaceAll() method on checked 
> lists has erroneously allowed the operator providing replacements to provide 
> illegal replacement values which are then stored, unchecked into the wrapped 
> list.
> This changeset adds a check on the proposed replacement value and throws a 
> ClassCastException if the replacement value is incompatible with the list.

That seems like a reasonable approach and it's in sync with the behaviour of 

> Additionally the javadoc is updated to inform users that a ClassCastException 
> may result if the proposed replacement is unacceptable.

No users will see the JavaDoc on Collections.CheckedList since it is package 
private, plus i think it redundant. Any such associated documentation would 
need to be on the public static method, and i am not sure we really need to say 
anything more than what is already said:

3388      * Any attempt to insert an element of the wrong type will result in
3389      * an immediate {@link ClassCastException}.  Assuming a list contains

> Note that this changeset takes the strategy of failing when the illegal value 
> is encountered. Replacements of earlier items in the list are retained.
> jbsbug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8047795
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mduigou/JDK-8047795/0/webrev/

Are there existing tests for the checked Map.replaceAll (for keys and values)?

> This change will be backported to Java 8.
> Mike

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