Any reason setlastModifiedTime() uses javaToDosTime()? maybe the original
pair should be private?

On 02/27/2015 08:32 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:
On 02/26/2015 10:09 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

Hi Claes,

I like the backwards-compatible extended DOS time format idea. If you keep it 
as one field, you could move the code for conversion from millisecond Java time 
to/from extended DOS time format to the ZipUtils methods entirely 
(javaToXdosTime, xdosToJavaTime) to make logic in ZipEntry simpler. I would 
call the field 'xdostime' then to hint the reader about the format which would 
be nice if it was described in a javadoc on the field.

Regards, Peter

Something like this, then:



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