Hi Pavel,

That looks ok.

It would be a bit more comfortable to read and compare with the parent contract
if it could use the len < 0 phrase.
But as written it clearly matches the implementation and is logically equivalent.


On 4/27/2015 12:48 PM, Pavel Rappo wrote:
Hi everyone,

Could you please review my change for JDK-8029804


There is an issue where java.io.BufferedWriter.write(String s, int off, int len)
doesn't check required preconditions for `off` and `len` and goes straight to
the algorithm procedures. As a result an acceptable region for (off, len) is
wider than the one declared by parent. For example, following calls should throw
IndexOutOfBoundsException, but they don't:

     bw.write("abc", 10,   0)
     bw.write("abc",  5,  -1)
     bw.write("abc", -7,   0)
     bw.write("abc", -2,  -3)
     bw.write("abc",  3, Integer.MAX_VALUE)

The problem though is not in the bug itself (it's been there for a long time),
but rather than the amendment to the javadoc which supposed to describe this
divergence is not comprehensive:

      * <p> If the value of the <tt>len</tt> parameter is negative then no
      * characters are written.  This is contrary to the specification of this
      * method in the {@linkplain java.io.Writer#write(java.lang.String,int,int)
      * superclass}, which requires that an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} be
      * thrown.

Suggested solution is to update the javadoc and provide a test that gives a
certain amount of confidence that the javadoc captures the actual contract.


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