On 04/28/2015 05:46 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 04/28/2015 04:57 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
Here's my attempt at simplifying this:


LogManager can be subclassed, and subclasses may override reset() for
different purposes.
So I'm afraid the Cleaner thread still needs to call te public
reset() method. The same unfortunately applies to

best regards,

-- daniel

Um, yes of course. This can be fixed:


Regards, Peter

Hi Daniel,

Just some observations...

I noticed you changed LogManager.Cleaner superclass from ManagedLocalsThread -> Thread. Is that intentional? The Cleaner is an unstarted Thread that gets registered as a shutdown hook in LogManager constructor. So at LogManager construction time it gets hold on inheritable thread locals and keeps them for the entire JVM lifetime. Do we have control on what thread performs LogManager construction and that no inheritable thread-local leaks are possible?

The other thing to note is that Cleaner class is not static, so it has an implicit reference to LogManager instance. So each LogManager instance constructed during lifetime of JVM is actually retained for the entire JVM lifetime.

The use of shutdown hook to call reset() directly is questionable. Why? Because other shutdown hooks might want to log their shutdown processing and they will race with LogManager shutdown hook executing reset(), shutting down all log handlers and effectively preventing shutdown process form being logged. Why is it so important to reset() LogManager(s) before exiting VM?

Regards, Peter

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