Hi Peter,

On 23 Sep 2015, at 10:09, Peter Levart <peter.lev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Just some thoughts about nulls...

Thanks, this is helpful.

> Simple compare and compareUnsigned methods (without ranges) accept null 
> arrays.


> They specify that indirectly by stating that they are consistent with equals 
> methods that do the same. The equals methods specify that two null array 
> references are equal and by equal being an equivalence relation it follows 
> that a null array reference is not equal to non-null reference (unless all 
> arrays were equal),

Right, i had the indirect specification on both methods, but of course that 
makes no sense for unsigned comparison, so it was removed.

> but compare[Unsigned] methods do not specify the ordering of null to non-null 
> array reference. The implementation does order null array reference before 
> any non-null reference.

I have clarified the doc the all the byte[] compare/Unsigned methods:

* <p>A {@code null} array reference is considered lexicographically less
* than a non-{@code null} array reference.  Two {@code null} array
* references are considered equal.

> With compare methods taking Object[] arrays there is another level of 
> nullness to consider - the elements.


> The Arrays boolean equals(Object[] a, Object[] b) method uses the semantics 
> of Objects.equals for comparing elements, therefore it allows null elements. 
> So does Arrays <T extends Comparable<? super T>> int compare(T[] a, T[] b), 
> which considers null element as the lowest value. This seems ok although in 
> TreeMap, for example, null keys are not allowed if Comparator is not 
> specified, but for consistency with Arrays.equals this is a desired property. 
> But Arrays <T> int compare(T[] a, T[] b, Comparator<? super T> cmp) does the 
> same - it treats null elements as the lowest value. This is not consistent 
> with TreeMap, for example, where all decisions on ordering are delegated to 
> Comparator which can order null elements (or reject them) as it pleases.

A good point. Same applies to mismatch as well. Updated.

There is another inconsistency. Array methods sort and binarySearch do not 
explicitly declare Comparable and instead this is implied if a null Comparator 
argument is given. I prefer separate methods for compare, making Comparable 
explicit, and throwing NPE for a null Comparator. the semantics are slightly 
different for mismatch where constraining elements to be of of Comparable is 
not necessary). However, for consistent i might be pushed towards 
sort/binarySearch pattern.


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