Hi Peter,

Thanks for the example and explanations.

For simple cleanup of specific state values, I probably would have used lambda instead of an explicit
inner class but both styles use the same mechanism.
The point about using a shared cleaner can be reinforced in the example too.

public static class CleanerExample implements AutoCloseable {

        FileDescriptor fd = ...;

        private static final Cleaner cleaner = Cleaner.create();

private final Cleaner.Cleanable cleanable = cleaner.register(this, () -> fd.close());

        public void close() {

I'll work the example into the javadoc.


On 12/08/2015 07:25 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 12/08/2015 09:22 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Actually I'm having more doubts about this API.

Library writers use finalize() as a last ditch cleanup mechanism in
case the user doesn't explicitly call any "cleanup" method. So as a
library writer I would think I am now expected to register my
instances with a Cleaner and provide a Runnable that does what
finalize() would have done. But in that usage pattern the end user of
my objects never has any access to my Cleanables so can never call
clean() themselves - instead they should be calling the cleanup
function directly, just as they would previously. So the whole "invoke
at most once" for the clean() method seems somewhat unnecessary; and
the way we should write the cleanup method and the Runnable need to be
more cleary explained as the idempotentcy of the cleanup needs to be
handled in the library writers code not the Cleaner/Clenable


Hi David, (once again for the list)

I agree that an example would be most helpful. Here's how a normal finalizable object is typically coded:

    public class FinalizeExample implements AutoCloseable {

        private boolean closed;

        public synchronized void close() {
            if (!closed) {
                closed = true;
// cleanup actions accessing state of FinalizeExample, executed at most once

        protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

Re-factoring to use Cleaner is a process that extracts the state representing native resource from the user-facing class into a private nested static class and makes the user-facing object just a facade that has access to the state object and is registered with a Cleaner. The Cleaner.Cleanable instance is also made accessible from the user-facing object, so it can provide the on-demand cleaning:

    public static class CleanerExample implements AutoCloseable {

        private static class State implements Runnable {
            public void run() {
                // cleanup actions accessing State, executed at most once

        private static final Cleaner cleaner = Cleaner.create();

        private final State state = new State();
private final Cleaner.Cleanable cleanable = cleaner.register(this, state);

        public void close() {

Regards, Peter

On 8/12/2015 6:09 PM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Roger,

Sorry I had no choice but to look at this more closely ... and apologies
as this is very late feedback ... I only looked at the API not the
details of the implementation.

On 8/12/2015 4:50 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
Hi David,

Thanks for the comments,

Updated the javadoc and webrev with editorial changes.


Should cleaning and cleanables be mentioned as part of the package-doc
for java.lang.ref? Else they seem to be an overlooked add-on not part of
the core reference related functionality. Perhaps even state how they
are preferred to use of finalization?


It was unclear to me what the usage model was for this. I'm assuming
that the intent is that rather than register a "thunk" (lets call it an
"action") that can be invoked directly by user-code, the user should
invoke the action via the call to clean(). In which case I think it
should be explained somewhat more clearly - see below.

I would describe the Cleanable class as:

Cleanable: Represents an object that has been registered for cleanup by
a Cleaner. The object can be cleaned directly, by a call to clean(), if
it is no longer to be used, else it will be cleaned automatically when
the object becomes phantom-reachable.

Cleanable.clean: Unregisters this Cleanable and performs the cleanup
action that was associated with it. If this Cleanable has already been
unregistered nothing happens. The cleanup action is invoked at most once
per registered Cleanable, regardless of the number of calls to clean().


Looking at Cleaner ....

"Cleaner manages a set of object references and corresponding cleaning

I would say "cleaning actions" rather than functions as they yield no
value. This change needs to be made throughout.

"The most efficient use is to explicitly invoke the clean method when
the object is closed or no longer needed. The cleaning function is a
Runnable to be invoked at most once when the object is no longer
reachable unless it has already been explicitly cleaned."

To me this doesn't quite capture the need to not use the Runnable
directly. I would rephrase:

"In normal use a object should be cleaned up when no longer required, by invoking the clean() method of the associated Cleanable. This guarantees
that the cleaning action will be performed at most once per object:
either explicitly, or automatically if it becomes phantom-reachable. If
cleaned explicitly the object should not be used again. Note that the
cleaning action must not refer to the object ..."


Question: what happens if an object is registered simultaneously with
multiple Cleaners? Do we need to warn the user against that?


The phrase "process the unreachable objects and to invoke cleaning
functions" doesn't quite seem right to me. The objects themselves are
never processed, or even touched - right? So really the thread is
started to "invoke the cleanup actions for unreachable objects".

create(): can also throw SecurityException if not allowed to
create/start threads.

register(Object obj, Runnable thunk): thunk -> action


On 12/6/15 7:46 PM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Roger,

Sorry to be late here but was trying not to get involved :)

It is already implicit that ThreadFactory.newThread should return
unstarted threads - that is what a new Thread is - so I don't think
IllegalThreadStateException needs to be documented here as it is
documenting behaviour of a broken ThreadFactory (and a broken
ThreadFactory could throw anything) .
It does seem that new is fairly well understood but one can read of
ThreadFactory is as a bit ambiguous, lacking a direct reference to the
Thread.State of the new thread
and since it allows various attributes of the thread to be modified
after the constructor.
Since the runnable is supplied as an argument it is ready to be
why not.
It seemed useful to reinforce the salient points.

Also the no-arg cleaner() can also throw SecurityException.
The thread construction is done in doPriv so it should not throw.
Did I miss some edge case?

Also this:

127      * On each call the {@link ThreadFactory#newThread(Runnable)
thread factory}
 128      * should return a {@link Thread.State#NEW new thread} with
an appropriate
 129      * {@linkplain Thread#getContextClassLoader context class
 130      * {@linkplain Thread#getName() name},
 131      * {@linkplain Thread#getPriority() priority},
 132      * permissions, etc.

then begs the questions as to what is "appropriate". I think this can
be said much more simply as: "The ThreadFactory must provide a Thread
that is suitable for performing the cleaning work". Though even that
raises questions. I'm not sure why a ThreadFactory is actually needed
here ?? Special security context? If so that could be mentioned, but I
don't think name or priority need to be discussed.
It was intended to prod the client to be deliberate about the
Since the client is integrating the Cleaner and respective cleaning
with the client code, the ThreadFactory makes it possible for the
client to
initialize a suitable thread and the comments serve as a reminder.
I agree that the phrase 'suitable for performing the cleaning work' is
the operative one.

Thanks, Roger


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