On 17/02/2016 21:21, Rachel Protacio wrote:
Hello, everyone,

We are moving forward with "JNI_VERSION_9". If it later turns out that it should be "9_0", we will file a separate bug, but the plain 9 is most likely. There is currently a compatibility request in the approval process.

Here is the updated code, which builds properly and still prints the correct version from my own private test. hotspot repo webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/JNI_hotspot.01/
jdk repo webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/JNI_jdk.01/
This looks good to me.

Iris - I assume you'll add a section to JEP 223 for this, it seems like the right place to capture this.


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