Hi Peter,

On 2016-03-21 16:13, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Per, David,

As things stand, there is a very good chance that sun.misc.Cleaner will
go away in JDK9, so all this speculation about the source of OOME(s) can
be put to rest. But for JDK 8u, I agree that this should be sorted out.

My feeling is that (instanceof Cleaner) can not result in allocation and
therefore can not trigger OOME if the Cleaner class is already loaded at
that time. I think that we were chasing the wrong rabbit. As I have
found later, there is a much more probable cause for ReferenceHandler
thread dying with OOME after the fix to catch OOME from lock.wait(). It
is triggered by the invocation of Cleaner.clean() later down in the
code. I even created a reproducer for it. See my last two comments of
the following issue:


(but don't look at the proposed fix since it is not very good)

I think that for JDK 8u we could revert the code and do (instanceof
Cleaner) checks outside the synchronized block and in addition, find a
way to handle the OOME thrown from Cleaner.clean().

What do you think?

That sound good to me. With the addition of the try/catch around Cleaner.clean() catching not just OOME, but all Throwables, right?


Regards, Peter

On 03/21/2016 02:41 PM, Per Liden wrote:
Hi David,

On 2016-03-21 13:49, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Per,

On 21/03/2016 10:20 PM, Per Liden wrote:
Hi Peter & David,

(Resurrecting an old thread here...)

On 2014-01-22 03:19, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Peter,

On 22/01/2014 12:00 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi, David, Kalyan,

Summing up the discussion, I propose the following patch for


I can live with it, though it maybe that once Cleaner has been
instanceof can no longer throw OOME. Can't be 100% sure. And there's
some duplication/verbosity in the commentary that could be trimmed
down :)

While investigating a Reference pending list issue on the GC side of
things I looked at the ReferenceHandler thread and noticed something
which made me uneasy. The fix for JDK-8022321 added pre-loading of the
Cleaer class to avoid OMME, but also moved the "instanceof Cleaner"
inside the try/catch with a comment that it "sometimes" can throw an
OOME. I understand this was done because we're not 100% sure if a OOME
can still happen here, despite the pre-loading.

However, if it can throw an OOME that means it's allocating, which in
turn means it can provoke a GC. If that happens, it looks to me like we
have a bug here. The ReferenceHandler thread is not allowed to
provoke a
GC while it's holding on to the pending list lock, since the pending
list might be updated during a GC and "pending = r.discovered" will
overwrite something other than "r", silently dropping any newly
discovered References which will never be discovered by the the GC

Then the code was completely broken because it was obviously capable of
allocating whilst holding the lock. There is nothing in the Java code to
indicate allocation should not happen and no way that Java code can
directly control that! We were only fixing the problem of the exception
killing the thread, not trying to address an undisclosed illegal
allocation problem!

JDK-8022321 did indeed fix a real issue. It might also have
unintentionally introduced a new one. Prior to JDK-8022321 we knew
that the ReferenceHandler couldn't provoke a GC while manipulating the
pending list, since the code was:

synchronized (lock) {
    if (pending != null) {
        r = pending;
        pending = r.discovered;
        r.discovered = null;
    } else {

The manipulation of the pending list is built on some secret/ugly
rules and handshakes between the GC and the ReferenceHandler, which
only works because we control of both.

How would a GC thread update pending if the ReferenceHandlerThread holds
the lock?

The pending list lock is grabbed by the Java thread issuing the VM
operation, on behalf of the GC to allow the GC the manipulate the
pending list. If the thread issuing the VM operation is the
ReferenceHandler, then the monitor is taken recursively, which is ok
as long as ReferenceHandler isn't in the middle of unlinking an element.

On the other hand, if an OOME can never happen (i.e. no GC) here then
we're good the comment is just incorrect. The instanceof check could be
moved out of the try/catch block again, like it was prior to this
change, just to make it obvious that we will not be able to cause new
allocations inside the critical section. Or at a minimum, the comment
saying OOME can still happen should be adjusted.

I found it very difficult to determine with 100% certainty whether or
not the instanceof could ever trigger an allocation and hence
potentially an OOME.

I agree, it's not obvious.


With JVMCI it is now easier to imagine that compilation of this code by
a JVMCI compiler might lead to allocation while the lock is held!




Btw, to the best of my knowledge, the pre-loading of Cleaner should
avoid any GC activity from instanceof, but I can't say that am a 100%
sure either.

Any specific reason to use Unsafe to do the preload rather than
Class.forName ? Does this force Unsafe to be loaded earlier than it
otherwise would?


all 10 java/lang/ref tests pass on my PC (including

I kindly ask Kalyan to try to re-run the OOMEInReferenceHandler test
with this code and report any failure.

Thanks, Peter

On 01/21/2014 08:57 AM, David Holmes wrote:
On 21/01/2014 4:54 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 01/21/2014 03:22 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Peter,

I do not see Cleaner being loaded prior to the main class on
Windows or Linux. Which platform are you on? Did you see it loaded
before the main class or as part of executing it?

Before. The main class is empty:

public class Test { public static void main(String... a) {} }

Here's last few lines of -verbose:class:

[Loaded java.util.TimeZone from
[Loaded sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo from
[Loaded sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfoFile from
[Loaded sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfoFile$1 from
[Loaded java.io.DataInput from
[Loaded java.io.DataInputStream from
*[Loaded sun.misc.Cleaner from

Curious. I wonder what the controlling factor is ??

I'm on linux, 64bit and using official EA build 121 of JDK 8...

But if I try with JDK 7u45, I don't see it. So perhaps it would be
to trigger Cleaner loading and initialization as part of
ReferenceHandler initialization to play things safe.

If we do that for Cleaner we may as well do it for
InterruptedException too.

Also, it is not that I think ReferenceHandler is responsible for
reporting OOME, but that it is responsible for reporting that
it was
unable to perform a clean or enqueue because of OOME.

This would be necessary if we skipped a Reference because of OOME,
if we just re-try until we eventually succeed, nothing is lost,
to report (but a slow response)...

Agreed - just trying to clarify things.

Your suggested approach seems okay though I'm not sure why we
shouldn't help things along by calling System.gc() ourselves
than just yielding and hoping things will get cleaned up
But for the present purposes your approach will suffice I think.

Maybe my understanding is wrong but isn't the fact that OOME is
rised a
consequence of that VM has already attempted to clear things up
(executing a GC round synchronously) but didn't succeed to make
free space to satisfy the allocation request? If this is only how
collectors/allocators are implemented and not a general rule,
then we
should put a System.gc() in place of Thread.yield(). Should we also
combine that with Thread.yield()? I'm concerned of a possibility
that we
spin, consume too much CPU (ReferenceHandler thread has MAX
priority) so
that other threads dont' get enough CPU time to proceed and clean
up (we hope other threads will also get OOME and release things as
stacks unwind...).

You are probably right about the System.gc() - OOME should be thrown
after GC fails to create space, so it really needs some other thread
to drop live references to allow further space to be reclaimed.

But note that Thread.yield() can behave badly on some linux systems
too, so spinning is still a possibility - but either way this would
only be "really bad" on a uniprocessor system where yield() is
unlikely to misbehave.


Regards, Peter


On 20/01/2014 6:42 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
On 01/20/2014 09:00 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
On 01/20/2014 02:51 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Peter,

On 17/01/2014 11:24 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
On 01/17/2014 02:13 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
// Fast path for cleaners
boolean isCleaner = false;
try {
  isCleaner = r instanceof Cleaner;
} catch (OutofMemoryError oome) {

if (isCleaner) {

Hi David, Kalyan,

I've caught-up now. Just thinking: is "instanceof Cleaner"
OOME as a result of loading the Cleaner class? Wouldn't the
code then throw some error also in ((Cleaner)r) - the
since Cleaner class would not be successfully initialized?

Well, no. The above code would just skip Cleaner
processing in
situation. And will never be doing it again after the heap is
So it might be good to load and initialize Cleaner class as
part of
ReferenceHandler initialization to ensure correct

Well, yes and no. Let me try once more:

Above code will skip Cleaner processing if the 1st time
Cleaner" is executed, OOME is thrown as a consequence of full
loading and initializing the Cleaner class.

Yes - I was assuming that this would not fail the very first
so the Cleaner class would already be loaded. Failing to be
able to
load the Cleaner class was one of the potential issues flagged
earlier with this problem. I was actually assuming that Cleaner
be loaded already due to some actual Cleaner subclasses being
but this does not happen as part of the default
initialization. :(
The irony being that if the Cleaner class is not loaded then r
not be an instance of Cleaner and so we would fail to load the
in a case where we didn't need it anyway.

What I wanted to focus on here was an OOME from the instanceof
itself, but as you say that might trigger classloading of
(which is not what I was interested in).

The 2nd time the "instanceof
Cleaner" is executed after such OOME, the same line would
NoClassDefFoundError as a consequence of referencing a class
initialization. Am I right?

instanceof is not one of the class initialization triggers,
so we
should not see an OOME generated due to a class initialization
exception and so the class will not be put into the Erroneous
and so subsequent attempts to use the class will not
trigger NoClassdefFoundError.

If OOME occurs during actual loading/linking of the class
Cleaner it
is unclear what would happen on subsequent attempts. OOME is
not a
LinkageError that must be rethrown on subsequent attempts, and
it is
potentially a transient condition, so I would expect a re-load
attempt to be allowed. However we are now deep into the
details of
the VM and it may well depend on the exact place from which the

The bottom line with the current problem is that there are
non-obvious paths by which the ReferenceHandler can
encounter an
OOME. In such cases we do not want the ReferenceHandler to
- which implies catching the OOME and continuing. However we
also do
not want to silently skip Cleaner processing or reference queue
processing - as that would lead to hard to diagnoze bugs. But
to report the problem may not be possible due to being
It may be that we need to break things up into multiple
blocks, where each catch does a System.gc() and then reports
OOME occurred. Of course the reporting must still be in a
for the OOME. Though at some point letting the ReferenceHandler
may be the only way to "report" a major memory problem.


Hm... If I give -verbose:class option to run a simple test

public class Test { public static void main(String... a) {} }

I see Cleaner class being loaded before Test class. I don't
see by
which tread or if it might get loaded after main() starts, but I
suspect that loading of Cleaner is not a problem here.
of Cleaner class is not performed by ReferenceHandler thread as
pointed out. The instanceof does not trigger it and if it
then Cleaner has already been initialized. So there must be some
cause for instanceof throwing OOME...

What do you say about this variant of ReferenceHandler.run()

        public void run() {
            for (;;) {
                Reference r;
                Cleaner c;
                synchronized (lock) {
                    r = pending;
                    if (r != null) {
                        // instanceof operator might throw OOME
sometimes. Just retry after
                        // yielding - might have better luck
                        try {
                            c = r instanceof Cleaner ? (Cleaner)
r :
                        } catch (OutOfMemoryError x) {
                        pending = r.discovered;
                        r.discovered = null;
                    } else {
                        // The waiting on the lock may cause an
because it may try to allocate
                        // exception objects, so also catch OOME
to avoid silent exit of the
                        // reference handler thread.
                        // Explicitly define the order of the
exceptions we catch here
                        // when waiting for the lock.
                        // We do not want to try to potentially
the InterruptedException class
                        // (which would be done if this was its
use, and InterruptedException
                        // were checked first) in this
                        // This may lead to the VM not ever
trying to
load the InterruptedException
                        // class again.
                        try {
                            try {
                            } catch (OutOfMemoryError x) { }
                        } catch (InterruptedException x) { }

                // Fast path for cleaners
                if (c != null) {

                ReferenceQueue q = r.queue;
                if (q != ReferenceQueue.NULL) q.enqueue(r);

... it tries to not consume and skip Cleaner instances when

I don't think ReferenceHandler is to make responsible for
OOMEs. Full heap is a global condition and ReferenceHandler
is the
last to accuse for it.

Regards, Peter

Hi David,

I think the following variation is even better. It executes
Thread.yield() after catching OOME but outside synchronized
block so
that given CPU slice can be used by GC threads to make progress
enqueueing pending References (they are not able to enqueue them
ReferenceHandler is holding the lock):

         public void run() {
             for (;;) {
                 Reference r;
                 Cleaner c;
                 try {
                     try {
                         synchronized (lock) {
                             r = pending;
                             if (r != null) {
                                 // 'instanceof' might throw OOME
sometimes so do this before
                                 // unlinking 'r' from the
                                 c = r instanceof Cleaner ?
(Cleaner) r
: null;
                                 // unlink 'r' from 'pending'
                                 pending = r.discovered;
                                 r.discovered = null;
                             } else {
                                 // The waiting on the lock may
cause an
OOME because it may try to allocate
                                 // exception objects.
                     } catch (OutOfMemoryError x) {
                         // Catch OOME from 'r instanceof
Cleaner' or
'lock.wait()' 1st so that we don't
                         // try to potentially load the
InterruptedException class
                         // (which would be done if this was its
use, and InterruptedException
                         // were checked first) in this
                         // Give other threads CPU time so they
hopefully release some objects and GC
                         // clears some heap.
                         // Also prevent CPU intensive
spinning in
'r instanceof Cleaner' above
                         // persistently throws OOME for some
                         // retry
                 } catch (InterruptedException x) {
                     // Catch InterruptedException from
and retry

                 // Fast path for cleaners
                 if (c != null) {

                 ReferenceQueue q = r.queue;
                 if (q != ReferenceQueue.NULL) q.enqueue(r);

Regards, Peter

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