Hi Tagir,

a few comments below

a) IntPipeline: public final mapToObj(IntFunction<? extends U> mapper,
int opFlags) should be private, not public

b) IntPipeline: asDoubleStream() - as already discussed, 0 should be
passed as the opFlags value to the DoublePipeline.StatelessOp

c) I think, the new "private final mapToObj(...)" methods can be
"private" (dropping the "final")


2016-04-01 18:25 GMT+02:00 Tagir F. Valeev <amae...@gmail.com>:
> Hello!
> Please review and sponsor the following patch:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tvaleev/webrev/8153293/r1/
> The patch preserves more characteristics on primitive stream
> operations:
> IntStream/LongStream/DoubleStream.boxed() preserves SORTED and DISTINCT
> IntStream.asLongStream() preserves SORTED and DISTINCT
> IntStream.asDoubleStream() and LongStream.asDoubleStream() preserves SORTED
> (different longs can be converted into the same double, so DISTINCT is
> not preserved here; not sure whether this is possible for ints)
> Fixing the boxed() case is especially important as distinct() for
> primitive streams is implemented like boxed().distinct().unbox, so the
> actual distinct() operation cannot take the advantage of DISTINCT flag
> (skip the operation at all) or SORTED flag (switch to more efficient
> implementation).
> Here's the small JMH benchmark which measures the performance boost of
> quite common operation: sort the input numbers and leave only distinct
> ones:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tvaleev/webrev/8153293/jmh/
> new Random(1).ints(size).sorted().distinct().toArray()
> I've got the following results.
> 9ea+111:
> Benchmark                        (size)  Mode  Cnt      Score      Error  
> Units
> SortDistinctTest.sortedDistinct      10  avgt   30      0,612 ±    0,004  
> us/op
> SortDistinctTest.sortedDistinct    1000  avgt   30     92,848 ±    1,039  
> us/op
> SortDistinctTest.sortedDistinct  100000  avgt   30  32147,205 ± 3487,422  
> us/op
> 9ea+111 patched:
> Benchmark                        (size)  Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units
> SortDistinctTest.sortedDistinct      10  avgt   30     0,435 ±  0,001  us/op
> SortDistinctTest.sortedDistinct    1000  avgt   30    40,555 ±  0,772  us/op
> SortDistinctTest.sortedDistinct  100000  avgt   30  9031,651 ± 73,956  us/op
> With best regards,
> Tagir Valeev.

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